skw78 / Esp8266_WebRadio_tic154_vs1003

WebRadio based on Esp8266 with VS1003 MP3 decoder and tic154 LCD.
10 stars 4 forks source link

How to install? #1

Open joknjokn opened 8 years ago

joknjokn commented 8 years ago


I would like to try this out. I have some NodeMCU Dev-boards with ESP8266 on, and VS1003 (or VS1053). Until now I have tried programming them once with the NodeMCU-software, but since then through Arduino-software.

How would you install your WebRadio on the ESP8266? What software, and how to install it? I would love to try it out.

If I succeed and make new functions, like IR-remote or bluetooth-control, I will share.

Kind regards, Jonas

skw78 commented 8 years ago

I use to compile the SDK 1.4 under Ubuntu. Installation process: SDK 1.4: To compile project: make clean && make To flash: make flash