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chore(deps): Set test projects PackageReferences to wildcard version #141

Closed NiKiZe closed 1 year ago

NiKiZe commented 1 year ago

Created as PR as it might be easier to discuss after prof of concept implementation. (Ok I admit, I was eager to get started and began a PR before reading project guidelines)

Set common dependabot updated packages in test projects to wildcard (to reduce dependabot noise)

Internal only used PackageReferences in test projects, such as Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk, Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel, FluentAssertions and also Newtonsoft.Json in Test project do not affect resulting package, so having these packages being non immutable should not pose any issues.

There is possible issues with builds/tests not being immutable, but they should be theoretical at best. Reduced maintenance and noise from dependabot should be worth it.

Happy to update/fix for "Conventional Commits" but might need some guidance, would chore!: be correct here?

skwasjer commented 1 year ago

There were some issues in the past with breaking builds between the different target frameworks (especially older .NET Framework and/or MacOS/Mono) and in particular I recall the xunit, Mock, but also between .NET 5 and 6 there were some issues. But it could be readdressed again when that happens.

would chore!: be correct here?

In this case I would use chore(deps):, and without the exclamation mark. The exclamation mark is used to indicate a breaking change (specifically for the public API).

[edit] but don't worry about it, I can adjust it on (squash) merge