sky-map-team / stardroid

Sky Map (formerly Google Sky Map, open sourced in 2012)
Apache License 2.0
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Sky Map doesn't work anymore on Fairphone 2 with Lineage 14.1 #201

Open lufticus opened 5 years ago

lufticus commented 5 years ago


nach dem dem Start und dem Kalibrierungsbildschirm hängt sich die App auf

Device and Android version:

Fairphone 2, Lineage 14.1

jaydeetay commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the bug report. Unfortunately without access to this type of phone or logs I'm not sure about how to debug it. Is this a problem that started recently? The app hasn't changed in about 2 years.

lufticus commented 5 years ago

The problem may have something to do with the location determination in LineageOS 14.1. Several other apps have no problem with this. I used FDroid to download Sky Map. I don't know how to send a debug report because Sky Map crashes the whole phone. What do you mean by "access to this type of phone"?

LuccoJ commented 5 years ago

I have an Axon 7 with LineageOS 15.1 and microG providing network location. The application works for me, and it keeps working when I disable all network location backends, and even when I disabled network location entirely from the Android settings and select GPS only (with reboots between each test).

So, I would presume this is a problem specific to the Fairphone or to LineageOS 14.1.

lufticus commented 5 years ago

As already mentioned: other apps (e.g. OsmAnd, Vespucci) can also query the location on my Fairphone FP2 with LineageOS 14.1 without having to use microG or upgrade to LineageOS 15.1.

jaydeetay commented 5 years ago

Very late reply. "access to this type of phone" - I mean I simply don't have one. So it's hard for me to debug given that it's phone specific. If you're able to get logs (using adb logcat) then I might be able to figure it out. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

jspricke commented 3 years ago

I have a Fairphone 2 with Lineage 14.1 16 as well and the app from F-Droid is working fine. Can you send a adb logcat in case you have the problem, still? Also, the new 1.9.4 version should be an F-Droid soon.