sky-music / sky-python-music-sheet-maker

Make visual music sheets for thatskygame (graphical representations of the Sky keyboard)
MIT License
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Reorganise into functions #89

Closed tracey-le closed 4 years ago

tracey-le commented 4 years ago

I think I will make a separate file called can then be referred to by both the bot and the command line

tracey-le commented 4 years ago

my prototype fork of the Bot my prototype of the sky-python-music-sheet-maker used in the bot

ugh I'm sorry I feel in a bad mood. Australia is on fire and our government still pretends climate change isn't worth addressing, and I feel annoyed at Sky

jmmelko commented 4 years ago

Hello Tracey,

Yes, even from this side of the Earth, what happens in Australia is frightening. Especially because it is the reservoir of many ancient animal and plant species in the history of evolution. Climate change affects us all: in Europe we have had strong winds, floods, droughts, fires (not at your scale though), and many other littles things here and there affecting the flore and fauna, imperceptibly, but surely. 🤔The Australian gouvernement may be especially careless on this topic, but sadly it is far from being the only one to keep his eyes closed (I mean, to "turn a deaf ear"). 🙈🙉🙊For instance our gouvernement is proud to host giant meetings on the subject (eg the COP21), but acts do not follow. 🙄 In the meantime, don’t watch the news too much: they will only exacerbate your feelings, without providing a solution, reality is enough.🤯

What do you mean by “annoyed at”? Do you mean that you are getting bored by the game (which is normal as the game does not evolve much), or do you mean that you are angry against something?

Btw you’re doing a great job with the bot, and I don’t mean to make a phony praise.👍🏻

tracey-le commented 4 years ago

Yeah thank you JMM, I really appreciate that. It was most scary for me that people in general here (and maybe elsewhere) don't seem to recognise how serious and far-reaching the impacts of climate change can be (Particularly the tipping point of the Earth entering self-reinforcing heating which will happen beyond 2 degrees. And beyond 1.5 °C there is uncertainty, so the restriction at 1.5 °C is essential for at least that.)

Haha it is disappointing, to have your government be prideful but not properly tackle the problem 😞

Hm about Sky, I guess Sky is popular amongst groups of people and people are excited by it, evidently on the official Discord server, which I'm fine with. I think it's largely unimpressive in terms of gameplay design, which is ok. I just still feel forced to like it by some fellow Sky players and I am annoyed. I wanted to contribute on this project without being expected to be a huge fan of the developers. (While I respect them, I don't idolise them.)

Aw thanks, I feel encouraged. I am feeling a little daunted by the task but I want to continue.

tracey-le commented 4 years ago

Ok I’m going to focus on this issue first, and make a class for deciding whether to use input for the command line or the bot. Then my next priority is the issue of /fonts and /elements not having a variable for the base directory. These were most essential to having the bot work.

jmmelko commented 4 years ago

I think that this bot thing goes far beyond Sky so working on it might prove useful for you in one way or the other, provided you’re still interested in working on (or playing with) IT related stuff in the future.

As for me, working on all this was also a way to refresh my knowledge on music theory, and exercise my python skills.

Sky cannot be criticized openly now as it has been awarded Game of the Year by Apple. 😓

I think that this fan craze may have something to do with japanese culture. And I also suspect that many players are young if not very young, at an age when liking is loving.

tracey-le commented 4 years ago

Working on this program has meant a lot to me and I feel more confident about my programming and in listening and making design choices 😊 I’m glad to hear it’s been helpful for you too hehe.

Haha we still reserve the right to express resentment on the product (without attacking character traits), I guess I just felt the need to acknowledge it before continuing to work^^

jmmelko commented 4 years ago

After you are done, I suppose we will have to write a new to call the methods inside the responder object? Not for the bot, but for the desktop script to continue to work, without having to maintain the old file

tracey-le commented 4 years ago

Oh I have edited it to use instead I just have to do #87 before it will work