skyarkhangel / Hardcore-SK

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Tents and Sleeping Bags #1560

Closed pectus-solentis closed 2 months ago

pectus-solentis commented 6 years ago

While Tents are made on the Tailor's Workbench, Sleeping Bags being made on the ground (where it will be setted up) seems a lot unrealistic and bizzare.

How about fixing Sleeping Bags to be made on the Tailor's Workbench just like Tents?

FennexFox commented 6 years ago

Why don't you just fix all your suggestion yourself, commit, do a pull request and let them decide to accept or not?

What's the point of shoving all of your thoughts to others?

pectus-solentis commented 6 years ago

@fennexfox I have no access to RimWorld because I'm hospitalized now and I don't know how to use Pull Request.

FennexFox commented 6 years ago

IF that's the case, you can stop nagging until you can do a legit contribution.

zachary-foster commented 6 years ago

Hi @pectus-solentis,

If you have a computer, you can contribute to HDSK using github and git. Here is a summary of what you do:

  1. Install git. How you do this will depend on you OS.
  2. Fork the HDSK repo on Github to your own account. This will make a copy you can edit. See
  3. "clone" your fork of the HDSK repository onto your computer. Using git from the terminal/command line, this would be: git clone This will make a new folder called "Hardcore-SK" with all of HDSK and its history. If you are not using the command line, then how you do this will depend on what program you are using to interact with git.
  4. Make changes and commit them. If you don't know how to use git, there are many good tutorials online.
  5. Push the new commits to your fork on github.
  6. submit a pull request to ask Sky to accept your changes. See

Just repeat the last three steps to add more changes after that.