skyboy / MineFactoryReloaded

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Me Fluid import bus and Minefactory Reloaded Rancher Dupe #578

Closed Diuqil69 closed 7 years ago

Diuqil69 commented 7 years ago

ME Fluid storage / import bus / Rancher dupe

Similar to the blood magic dupe with these ME fluid import export storage bus's this one had to do with the rancher.

Similar normal setup of ME system with fluid import bus hooked into a rancher which is hooked up powered with fluid cows in front of it to recieve the liquid metals or whatever. Then the fluid storage bus is hooked up to a full thermal tank of whatever metal is inside rancher with another thermal tank on top of that one. Then having a fluid conduit coming out of top tank into a drum which will give infinite amount of that liquid metal as it never runs out in the rancher.


ME Fluid Import Bus

Me Fluid Storage Bus - Lava inside rancher - Fluid storage bus - Fluid Import bus - Full setup
skyboy commented 7 years ago

Checked my code and it's free of errors. TE's code is also free of errors, and I doubt ExtraUtils has errors with its tanks, therefore the problem is your fluid busses with AE