skyboy / MineFactoryReloaded

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[Mod Integration]Rednet cables cause FPS lag when attached to EnderIO redstone conduits #587

Closed ranger135xp closed 6 years ago

ranger135xp commented 7 years ago

I noticed in my world that when EnderIO passes a redstone signal to MFR rednet cables, they cause a massive FPS drop for me. I go from ~30FPS to ~10FPS while the signal is active. I've tried various combinations of strong/weak and different colors within the signal. The colors pass successfully -- IE, orange from EnderIO equates to orange on rednet and etc.

I'm using MFR Release [1.7.10]2.8.1-174 and EnderIO 1.7.10-

I did notice that you have an Alpha from August 8th. If you would like me to try that, let me know.

Thank you!

EDIT:\ The only reason I'm doing this is because Big Reactors uses rednet and EnderIO doesn't successfully pass a signal to the rednet port but it can to rednet cable, which then can pass the signal on to the reactor.

EDIT2:\ For now, I'm using EnderIO > ProjectRed > Rednet just as a buffer. If you connect Rednet and EnderIO indirectly by-way of a block of stone in between, it still causes lag.

ranger135xp commented 5 years ago

@skyboy 1.5 years later, I guess so.