skyboy / MineFactoryReloaded

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[1.10.2] Modpack crashes on start with MFR #611

Closed Curunir closed 7 years ago

Curunir commented 7 years ago

I have tried including the new MFR build into my private 1.10.2 modpack, but the pack always runs into the same crash on startup, something about ModelBakery, and I think buckets were mentioned. As others apparently can get the mod to work, any chance you can tell me where to look for the error? Clearly something in my pack is clashing with MFR. Crash log attached, obtained with the latest version, 2.9.0B1-221.


CitiesXL2815 commented 7 years ago

This issue is Duped with already reported #600

Curunir commented 7 years ago

I checked for open issues about this and found none. It says in the closed ticket that it is resolved, so in which build is it expected to work? Or do I have to update/change a different mod?

P3pp3rF1y commented 7 years ago

We needed a change in core for the fix to work. But now that it is out you shoudl be able to run it with the latest versions of both MFR and Cofh Core - MineFactoryReloaded-[1.10.2]2.9.0B1-221 and CoFHCore-1.10.2-

Curunir commented 7 years ago

I just tried with these versions, and it still crashes just like before. Crash log attached. And by the way, I have been playtesting this pack for a few days now. It has some minor issues but it works overall, except whenever I try dropping MFR in. Some other mod must really mess with those buckets, so I'd be glad just to learn which one it is.


skyboy commented 7 years ago

I don't know what's causing this or why who is affected by it flip-flops based on what method of overriding the vanilla bucket is used, but I'm considering marking this as wontfix since it's being caused, sporadically, by another mod.

If you can identify which mod is actually causing the issue, it would help tremendously in resolving it.

balcas commented 7 years ago

I compared my modpack with Curunirs list. And started removing mods one by one and adding them back. After removal of OpenComputers it started up.

balcas commented 7 years ago

Let me correct myself it was Open Computers Refined Storage Driver. I added OpenComputers back and it worked but i had an addon to it OCRSDriver and then i readded it and it broke again. And we both had it with Curunir. So OCRSDriver has conflict with mfr and it seems to be weird in general with OpenComputers sometimes it loads sometimes it doesnt. Hope that helps.

Curunir commented 7 years ago

I tried taking these out of my pack to check, but it still crashes with all these removed (some for dependencies): Open Computers Refined Storage Driver Open Computers Refined Storage Reborn Storage Wireless Crafting Grid

Also still only the client crashing. The server starts up fine.

balcas commented 7 years ago

Weird well my server is running perfectly fine and it seems the modpack is running for everyone. Check my modlist and try checking the mods that is not in my modpack then :) Check what helps and write here that skyboy would know what is conflicting. My old crash report is attached. crash-2017-06-25_09.21.42-client.txt

balcas commented 7 years ago

One of the guys from the server client was not loading even we all were playing. So OpenComputers removal solved it for some of us but for one guy client didnt load doesnt matter what he was doing.

balcas commented 7 years ago

yesturday we removed all the mods in common with Curunir and it was still crashing for the player from my server.

fizykz commented 7 years ago

Hi, associate of Curunir's here. Just a quick thing I pointed out; I asked for his forge log and there were quite a bit of relations to the error to CodeChickenLIB. 10 seconds before the crash, this was posted:

[23:04:39] [Client thread/INFO] [STDERR/]: [codechicken.lib.model.blockstate.CCBlockStateLoader:load:132]: at net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBakery.func_177577_b(

Then, when we look in the error, we find:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Initializing game
    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBakery.func_177596_a(

I'll be the first one to admit I'm not a coder, but the first line of an error? Not to mention it's the only thing I could find referenced in the error. Another suggestion if it doesn't pass the test is to keep checking for references in the errors and knock off the mods one by one until it fixes itself or until the problems is either it's raw self, or a problem with Minecraft/Forge (Which from the information I've seen, it isn't). I'd be happy to continue to contribute, including finding references if needed.

balcas commented 7 years ago

Yeah that was my plan also. But what happen after removal of OpenComputers it fixed for me. But not for a guy from my server. So i guess ill have to use him to figure it out. :)

Staegrin commented 7 years ago

" # If true, replaces the vanilla milk bucket so milk can be placed in the world. B:MilkBucket=false" Changing this setting to false seems to help.

Though the startup log still contains the net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_306_TextureMetadataHandler_onModelBake_ModelBakeEvent.invoke(.dynamic)

error 4 times. At least the game no loger crashes on startup nine out of ten times..

skyboy commented 7 years ago

Yeah, turning the milk bucket feature off will remove the crashes, but doesn't solve the problem. I honestly don't know what's going on here, and seems it could be a problem with forge.

smudgerox commented 7 years ago

i'm wondering if it's an interaction with biomesoplenty- anyone else using it? i'm dealing with the same issue here. the potentially offending line is:

"texture settings" {

Override the Forge bucket texture and use ours instead (It's nicer!) [default: true]

B:"Enable Biomes O' Plenty Bucket Textures"=true

it's in config/biomesoplenty/misc.cfg, line 9-11.

i'll test it out and report back.

accessdenied0 commented 7 years ago

I do not use Biomesoplenty, and it crashes by me, too.

Funny enough: The potential Fix from #600 is now broken again with the same issue. This is really strange... I can't loose the feeling it could be Forestry or something... I might do a 1 by 1 mod test... it might take a while.

smudgerox commented 7 years ago

seems like that's not the problem either, process of elimination though i guess.

fizykz commented 7 years ago

Here if you guys have any log files send 'em my way. I'll see if I can get some references.

Edit: Forge logs to be specific.

Curunir commented 7 years ago

It cannot be Forestry, as that is not in my (affected) pack. I rather suspect that a number of mods are using some bucket-rendering related function that clashes with something MFR is doing. I would investigate this further, but I am not a coder, just a lowly support monkey, and that is as far as my understanding goes. Please tell me if you need any tests run, I will gladly contribute however I can. Having MFR back is worth some trouble.

P3pp3rF1y commented 7 years ago

Would you be able to share full log (latest.log from logs folder) from when it crashed? Some people mentioned seeing warning messages even before crash. That may help us understand better what it is doing.

And the issue based on what I can see isn't just purely rendering. It does happen in rendering code but at the moment that it tries to pull milk bucket data from item registry and can't find it there for some reason.

NogueiraMaier commented 6 years ago

I had this mistake also in the milk bucket. I updated the forge and left the config folder solved the problem Now I have a problem with a single machine in MFR, BlockSmasher and drop and error, crash-2017-10-06_16.57.28-client.txt