skyboy / MineFactoryReloaded

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Invalid registry state #625

Closed EPIICTHUNDERCAT closed 6 years ago

EPIICTHUNDERCAT commented 7 years ago

This issue does not point to any mod, however after experimenting and removing your mod it stopped crashing. Cant tell ya why!

arlojeremy commented 7 years ago

EDIT: Seems to be the same issue listed here: but while I don't currently have SpongeForge enabled, it did run on the server one time, but I deleted everything I possibly could before re-initializing the server.

I'm having the same error, but strangely only on the server I'm trying to run. No problems locally. If I remove Minefactory Reloaded from the server, the server loads fine.

I can provide more complete logs if necessary.

EPIICTHUNDERCAT commented 7 years ago

yep duplicate! Sorry didnt see that below

skyboy commented 7 years ago

I didn't consider it a duplicate because of the lack of SpongeForge. But you're right the crash is identical and has some of the same mods, so this is an interaction unrelated to SpongeForge.

This is probably related to, but why you crash here instead of there, and why they crash there instead of here I can't yet guess at.

skyboy commented 7 years ago

Does this issue persist in build 226?

EPIICTHUNDERCAT commented 7 years ago

Ill have to test, give me some time working on some things atm! if anyone else would be able to ;)

fcpwiz commented 7 years ago

@skyboy Yes, this same issue is present in build 226.

Natrukei commented 7 years ago

It's happening to my server.

I solved it once (did not try this more often after it worked) by deleting the mod, starting up the server, stop when loaded and then stop, load backup of the world and then start server again

But thats a pain in the ***

fcpwiz commented 7 years ago

@Natrukei yeah that is a pain haha, any update, @skyboy, on the fix to this issue?

AnthonyKane5528X commented 7 years ago

I can confirm this is still a thing.

P3pp3rF1y commented 7 years ago

we would love to fix this, but we can't recreate locally and are puzzled as to how this is not working for you. Would you be able to post the full log (logs/latest.log)?

fcpwiz commented 7 years ago

@P3pp3rF1y This is all my latest.log is showing:

P3pp3rF1y commented 7 years ago

Actually could you include fml-server-latest.log as well?

AnthonyKane5528X commented 7 years ago

Here's my latest crash log

If it helps I'm using the Direwolf20 modpack.

P3pp3rF1y commented 7 years ago

we have seen this crash log previously. Again would you be able to provide the latest.log? as this is single player that should have the full log of the mods loading and perhaps there will be something in there that may indicate what's going on.

fcpwiz commented 7 years ago

This is very odd. Now my server works fine with MFR.

fcpwiz commented 7 years ago

Ah, but now there's an issue on the client side: crash-2017-07-04_11.27.42-client.txt

P3pp3rF1y commented 7 years ago

again, we have seen this crash, but latest.log from client may help

fcpwiz commented 7 years ago

For the client: latest.log: fml-client-latest.log:

For the server: When I restart the server it crashes (java.lang.NullPointerException: The name to be added to the registry is null. This can only happen with a corrupted registry state. Reflection/ASM hackery? Registry bug?), restarts automatically, and starts up properly.

Here's the crash inside the FML latest log:


Could this be an Ars Magicia 2 issue/conflict with MFR?

AnthonyKane5528X commented 7 years ago

Here is the latest log

Sorry, pastebin last gave me a message that my previous attempt to paste the log was "too long".

Edit: I'm trying to load my pack right now.
-First attempt. CRASH, "Null Pointer Exception" -UNINSTALLED MFR -Second attempt. Game loaded WITHOUT MFR -RE-INSTALLED LATEST VERSION OF MFR -Third attempt. Game loads with MFR

(This is the same pattern I've had to repeat the last several days. If MFR is in the pack and I go to load, the game crashes with a Null Pointer Exception. I then have to delete MFR, do another load, quit the game, REINSTALL MFR, and THEN the game will load.)

fcpwiz commented 7 years ago

@P3pp3rF1y Ok, so the only way for me to start up my client with MFR is to remove Ars Magicia 2 and BloodMagic. Having either of them with MFR causes the client crash (and most likely the server crash). Or this could just be a coincidence relating do @AnthonyKane5528X's steps.

skyboy commented 7 years ago

The inconsistency is what bothers me about this issue. There's no good reason this should work sometimes and not others.

Why can't this just fail every time like a proper bug.

Also, the ModelLoader/Bakery stuff is a separate, but related issue. #611 was the first, now resolved case, and #646 is the new one

skyboy commented 7 years ago

@AnthonyKane5528X When you do the remove-launch-add-launch thing to get a reliable startup, can you hold f3+c to generate a crash report from the working launch and post that, along with the log for a failing launch?

EPIICTHUNDERCAT commented 7 years ago

This issue crashes randomly, its not a constant crash from what ive seen.

AnthonyKane5528X commented 7 years ago

Crash on start up with version [1.10.2]2.9.0B1-226



Hope this helps

koalabaer1991 commented 7 years ago

@AnthonyKane5528X you can use instead Pastebin for long/big logfiles.

bookerthegeek commented 7 years ago

You can also use gist

fcpwiz commented 6 years ago

Is there any update on this @skyboy or @P3pp3rF1y ?

fcpwiz commented 6 years ago

Has anyone tested MineFactoryReloaded-[1.10.2]2.9.0B1-229.jar to see if this bug is still present?

macks2008 commented 6 years ago

I'm having this issue as well, on a sponge server. It stops crashing if I generate a new world, though I suspect even something as simple as regenerating the level.dat might suffice. Not sure if that would break anything though, so if you try it, backup your world first

fcpwiz commented 6 years ago

@macks2008 Hi, does MineFactoryReloaded-%5B1.10.2%5D2.9.0B1-229.jar work on your client without any issues or modification needed?

piedpipr314 commented 6 years ago

I'm pretty sure that's the deobfuscated version. So it won't work in an instance. This is according to

macks2008 commented 6 years ago

please supply the release equivalent of that build and I'll let you know

macks2008 commented 6 years ago

does anyone know how I could go about fixing the registry (relatively speaking) without completely resetting it (and in the process, completely breaking the world's modded blocks and items). Because I tried resetting it just now and all instances of Draconic Evolution's placed-item blocks turned into a liquid I didn't care to identify (though I think it was molten aluminium, given its appearance and capacity to burn me to death)

macks2008 commented 6 years ago

also, could someone please produce a list of mods common to all instances experiencing this problem? It might be good to try and narrow it down. For instance, we know Ars Magica and Blood Magic seem to cause issues. Any others?

macks2008 commented 6 years ago

wonder if there's a way to reproduce @Natrukei 's makeshift solution for a server environment, i.e. the remove-start-stop-readd dance

macks2008 commented 6 years ago

still having this issue after updating everything, MFR included, and starting a new map. It only seems to happen sometimes.. Sometimes the server starts fine. Not sure why

Proplex commented 6 years ago

Just adding that using FoxGuard seems to also trigger this situation. Removing MFR fixes the problem, and so does FoxGuard. It's having the two together which causes the crash.

macks2008 commented 6 years ago

okay so that's another mod... I'll ask @WayofTime via IRC if he knows what bloodmagic might have in common with Ars Magica and FoxGuard. Maybe that will help @skyboy narrow down the issue's root cause

macks2008 commented 6 years ago

@Proplex the version number of FoxGuard and/or a link to it might be helpful

rsquatre commented 6 years ago

Hi everyone, My client kept crashing and I was told to disable the MFR Milk Bucket in order to correct it, I don't know whether it's related or not, but when this issue happend on my server I tried to do the same thing, and now that I also disabled the Milk Bucket on the server side it starts normally

Proplex commented 6 years ago

Whoops, I should've done my due diligence and had version numbers to start with. Using the most recent build which is v0.20.idk-api5.2 of FoxGuard and version v0.10.4-api5.2 of FoxCore (library required by FoxGuard)

Using SpongeForge 1.10.2-2477-5.2.0-BETA-2698, and Forge 2477. The MFR version I've tested this with was [1.10.2]2.9.0B1-229

fcpwiz commented 6 years ago

Has anyone thought of a fix/reason for this issue?

macks2008 commented 6 years ago

I'm hoping this will be fixed (if it isn't already, and just hasn't been conclusively verified) by the time I finish setting up the newest (and possibly final) version of my 1.10.2 modded server. Otherwise, I'm very likely to leave it out of the pack and come up with other roundabout solutions for the issues I hope to solve by including it. One of the most prominent of these, not many balanced but renewable alternatives for manual mining.

JzJad commented 6 years ago

2.9.0B1-230, the issue still persists, so yeah.

skellitor301 commented 5 years ago

So I've been searching for an answer to this issue and I keep coming to this issue entry. So I'm hoping I'm in the right place to put these logs. I've read through and updated MFR to the latest version (MineFactoryReloaded-[1.10.2]2.9.0B1-230.jar) and I'm still given the same error. I also have the exported zip file given by the Twitch launcher. It's also worth noting that this hasn't started to happen until I installed Forestry (forestry_1.10.2- and at the time I was using MFR version MineFactoryReloaded-[1.10.2]2.9.0B1-226.jar. The issue has persisted regardless of either version of MFR stated. Server version: forge-1.10.2- Crashlog: Gist fml server log: Gist Serverlog: Gist I'll reference this comment to Sengir and his team on their github as well, hopefully this can help find the bug and fix it.