skyboy / MineFactoryReloaded

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Model Bakery Crash on Version 1.10.2 #678

Closed TraceCarver closed 6 years ago

TraceCarver commented 6 years ago

Hey guys, i don't know what the problem is...eventually someone can help me. Mc crashes on loading the modlists. With Optifine deaktivated too.

Hey Leute, Langsam hab ich keine Ahnung mehr was ich machen soll, hin und wieder startet MC und dann wieder nicht. Dann erscheint immer wieder dieser Crash, auch wenn ich Optifine deaktiviere. Vllt könnt ihr mir helfen.


MineBartekSA commented 6 years ago

Same thing for me

TraceCarver commented 6 years ago

hey, i figured it out!go into your game folder and open the config folder. Now go into the MFR folder, "powercrystals" is the name of the folder for me. Into thisfolder you find the MFR folder, in THIS you see the common.cfg, open it and change the line "483", you can see the lines by open the filewith notepad++,from:     VanillaOverride {             # If true, replaces the vanilla milk bucket so milk can be placed in the world.             B:MilkBucket=true to:     VanillaOverride {        # If true, replaces the vanilla milk bucket so milk can be placed in the world.        B:MilkBucket=false

now save, and you will see, your game will launch without crashes

MineBartekSA <> schrieb am 15:34 Sonntag, 24.September 2017:

Same thing for me— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

fixel99 commented 6 years ago

Duplicate of #600

usafphoenix commented 6 years ago

or try increasing the memory allocated to the pack from 4Gb to 6 or 7Gbs.

usafphoenix commented 6 years ago

I've gotten model bakery crashes before that i was unable (After about a week of editing the pack) to consistently reproduce the error with a set of specific mods, thus, determined it was unlikely to be a mod-related error, tried adding more memory and wasn't able to reproduce the error afterwards. sometimes removing a bunch of mods without increasing the memory enabled the pack to load becasue there are fewer models loading just in general...but then re-adding mods one by one eats up that remaining memory until the crash re-occurs (but the crash is inconsistant, so it's untracable).

usafphoenix commented 6 years ago

(determined that IF a modpack is large enough, and the crash occurs during model baking, it will not output a crash that says "out of memory error" but instead assume there was a problem with the model baking and output a log pointing to that, but as soon as you give the launcher more memory, it'll load fine.

figure19 commented 6 years ago

+1 for the MFR milk setting. Can confirm it worked in my world, at least. Thanks!

skyboy commented 6 years ago

Duplicate of