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Where to get 1.12? #709

Open JCTB opened 5 years ago

JCTB commented 5 years ago

I see people saying they r playing 1.12. Where to get it

mfrrrr commented 5 years ago


mfrrrr commented 5 years ago


mfrrrr commented 5 years ago

Where toget

Diamondman121314 commented 5 years ago

I compiled the files myself so I could play with it. If you know anything about compiling, then that's what I did and what you could do too.

vadimas56 commented 5 years ago

[] Industrial Foregoing is a mod created by Buuz135 with art created by CyanideX. It is a reimagining and recreation of the 1.7 version of MineFactory Reloaded. The mod has a large tech tree with many various machines, utilities, tools and components, used for generating energy, farming, storage, and many other things. Its features are documented in Industrial Foregoing's Manual.

Diamondman121314 commented 5 years ago

I'm pretty sure they were looking for MFR in this case, not IF.

ToMe25 commented 5 years ago

Industrial Foregoing might be a good Mod, but some cool stuff is missing(for example the big rubber trees), and also i think their(IF) Textures are Horrible.

ProxyPlayerHD commented 5 years ago

get industrial foregoing, it's basically the same but for 1.12

ToMe25 commented 5 years ago

I know about that Mod, but i realy dont like it.

You might see it in my old comment.

ProxyPlayerHD commented 5 years ago

you can easily change the textures yourself if you want. the artist who made them also made the Unity pack and textures for other mods like Blood Magic, Mekanism, and Magneticraft

and the big rubber trees? why? you could just use Natura's Redwoods if you want a place to live in and never worry about wood anymore

ToMe25 commented 5 years ago

If you can use Industrial Foregoing for what you want it's okay, but i can't.

Diamondman121314 commented 5 years ago

Do you know how to compile files with Gradle on command prompt?

ToMe25 commented 5 years ago

Yes. I have own Gradle Mod Projects. but don't i like the Idea to compile it myself...

Diamondman121314 commented 5 years ago

Well, though I should have been more general in my question, as long as you know how to compile Gradle projects, then you can get it from (and make sure to use patch-1.

ToMe25 commented 5 years ago

My Keyboard hates me xD I dont know why but sometimes it dont makes some chars, so sorry for adding the "don't" to that Message after your answer.

Diamondman121314 commented 5 years ago

Oh, I see. xD Well I mean, as far as I know, it's the only way to get it (and obviously you benefit a lot from having it because it's a great mod >_>), so if you do want it, you can either compile it or I could just send you it compiled, whichever you prefer.

ToMe25 commented 5 years ago

Maybe i will compile it myself later, but currently i am trying to find/fix some ghost bugs in one of my own Projects.

martinjanas commented 4 years ago

Here's updated version for 1.12.2

Pustekuchen98 commented 4 years ago

Unofrtunately the linked version is not working for me. Are you sure its a playable version for 1.12.2? I dont know how to compile it myself otherwise I would do it. Can sb confirm if the file is working? or if not send a working file version?

martinjanas commented 2 years ago Here's updated version for 1.12.2

on curseforge? (NOT Mediafire)

There's not official 1.12.2 version on Curse, only this version on Mediafire - but it has a lot of bugs and is unfinished.

Brosilio commented 2 years ago

I very much miss mfr but there's no reason to use a hacked up, buggy build for 1.12.2, when Industrial Foregoing officially supports 1.12.2 and is significantly more stable: