Recently a user was creating a new rfTools dimension (similar to Mystcraft) using "Nether Gold" as their material block of choice. Upon loading into the dimension, the server crashed. Pastebin here: Further more, upon examanation of the world/DIM8/region directory, there were places listed that were x/z > 6000 before even having a chance to leave the spawn point in the world.
Setting B:ExplosionEnable=false caused the world to load properly and kept the server from creating excessive amounts of chunks
Good day,
Recently a user was creating a new rfTools dimension (similar to Mystcraft) using "Nether Gold" as their material block of choice. Upon loading into the dimension, the server crashed. Pastebin here: Further more, upon examanation of the world/DIM8/region directory, there were places listed that were x/z > 6000 before even having a chance to leave the spawn point in the world.
Setting B:ExplosionEnable=false caused the world to load properly and kept the server from creating excessive amounts of chunks