skybrud / Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects

Redirects manager for Umbraco.
MIT License
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No pane appears #35

Closed Ladefuss closed 6 years ago

Ladefuss commented 6 years ago

Thanks for creating this great package, Anders.

Still no "Redirects" pane appears in backoffice.

Have i missed anything? Is Umbraco 7.5.13 ok with v. 0.3.4?

Have a great day

abjerner commented 6 years ago

@Ladefuss What kind of user are you in the backoffice? The example for adding the dashboard is limited to admins, and therefore won't be shown for editors etc. You can remove the <access> element, and it should be shown to all user types ;)

If it still doesn't work, would it be possible for you to share your /config/Dashboard.config file?

Ladefuss commented 6 years ago

I am logged in as admin. I removed the node exactly to test if the problem was permission-based but it wasn't.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <section alias="StartupSettingsDashboardSection">
    <tab caption="Welcome">
      <control showOnce="true" addPanel="true" panelCaption="">
  <section alias="StartupDeveloperDashboardSection">
    <tab caption="Get Started">
      <control showOnce="true" addPanel="true" panelCaption="">
    <tab caption="Examine Management">
  <section alias="StartupMediaDashboardSection">
    <tab caption="Content">
      <control showOnce="false" addPanel="false" panelCaption="">
  <section alias="StartupDashboardSection">
    <tab caption="Get Started">
      <control showOnce="true" addPanel="true" panelCaption="">
  <section alias="StartupMemberDashboardSection">
    <tab caption="Get Started">
      <control showOnce="true" addPanel="true" panelCaption="">
  <section alias="UmbracoModelsBuilder">
    <tab caption="Models Builder">
  <section alias="UmbracoHealthCheck">
    <tab caption="Health Check">
  <section alias="RedirectUrlManagement">
    <tab caption="Redirect URL Management">
  <section alias="StartupFormsDashboardSection">
    <tab caption="Dashboard">
    <tab caption="Redirects">
      <control showOnce="true" addPanel="true" panelCaption="">/App_Plugins/Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects/Views/Dashboard.html</control>
Ladefuss commented 6 years ago

Wait. I think i found my error. Don't waste more time for now :)

abjerner commented 6 years ago

Forms? 😄

Ladefuss commented 6 years ago

Exactly :) Thanks again Anders. I will try not to waste more of your time from now on :)

Have a great day in Vejle :) Oh and give my regards to Thomas and Torben :) They might remember my name back from the early days at Aakjaers :)

abjerner commented 6 years ago

No worries ;)

Thomas is sitting just opposite me at the office, so I've forwarded your regards.