skycatminepokie / mystical

Server-side Minecraft mod - Strange spells and anomilies, without breaking your world.
MIT License
5 stars 3 forks source link

Lang generation API #144

Open skycatminepokie opened 8 months ago

skycatminepokie commented 8 months ago

The idea behind this is to have some sort of class that extends Text or at least implements Supplier<Text>. Every instance of this class would automatically register itself for datagen, though it would need to be created during the datagen task. It would be constructed with a builder, taking a key and english translation, then having the ability to have other languages added to the builder, or maybe generated based on a libaray (like maybe an owoifier for LOLCAT or an upside-downifier for Upside-Down).

skycatminepokie commented 8 months ago

Combining this with #142 & #143