a current limitation of dmsg applications is the need for a dmsg client to be written into the application.
what I propose is an application which does the following:
listen on a <dmsg-pk>:<port>
forward requests received to an application running on localhost:port (or any given ip address)
copy responses back over dmsg to the client which made the request
in this way, external applications can be accessed over dmsg without needing to be rewritten to include a dmsg client.
this can be made to use skywire routes via the proxy if a proxy configuration for the dmsg client is allowed / implemented as specified in https://github.com/skycoin/dmsg/issues/233
a current limitation of dmsg applications is the need for a dmsg client to be written into the application.
what I propose is an application which does the following:
in this way, external applications can be accessed over dmsg without needing to be rewritten to include a dmsg client.
this can be made to use skywire routes via the proxy if a proxy configuration for the dmsg client is allowed / implemented as specified in https://github.com/skycoin/dmsg/issues/233