skycoin / skywire

Skywire Node implementation
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Transport setup-node request logging integration with reward system UI #1820

Closed 0pcom closed 1 month ago

0pcom commented 2 months ago

In order to enforce the requirement that reward-eligible visors are transportable and respond to transport setup-node requests, some changes have been made on the reward system.

A transport setup-node with a whitelisted key is run as part of the reward system setup.

A systemd service triggered hourly by a timer starts a script

The script makes requests to online visors of the latest version using the transport setup-node to list transports using

skywire svc tps list

the responses to these requests or any errors are directed to a file called tp.json in an adjacent directory to the log-collecting and log-backups directories.

skywire cli log st was altered such that flags can now specify the path to the transport setup-node surveys (or the directory containing the responses to the transport setup node requests) in addition to the path to the collected transport bandwidth logging and system hardware surveys.

This allows for the existing survey tree view to also display the transport setup-node logging. The age of the file is indicated and the contents of the file is displayed, similarly to the health.json. As well, the file is color coded to indicate if the file had been modified within the past hour. image

0pcom commented 2 months ago

improved color coding


0pcom commented 1 month ago

added endpoint /tpsn to show logging from the transport setup-node image

some changes were made to the systemd services for the reward system backend which have not yet been included