skydoves / FlexibleBottomSheet

🐬 Advanced Compose Multiplatform bottom sheet for segmented sizing, non-modal type, and allows interaction behind the bottom sheet similar to Google Maps.
Apache License 2.0
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Initial state not working and not able to be set. #25

Open jasoneggleton-benevity opened 2 months ago

jasoneggleton-benevity commented 2 months ago

Initial state not working or not able to be set.

Tracing the library code, calling rememberFlexibleBottomSheetState calls a private function rememberFlexibleSheetState which has a default parameter of initialValue: FlexibleSheetValue = FlexibleSheetValue.Hidden. The public method does not take that parameter, however, the initial state should evaluate to hidden regardless.

In my most basic implementation, the sheet always starts off a not hidden, intermediately expanded.

 val sheetState = rememberFlexibleBottomSheetState(
      isModal = false

        windowInsets = WindowInsets(0, 0, 0, 0),
        onDismissRequest = { },
        sheetState = sheetState,
      ) {

It's not clear how to set the initial state, or if it's supported. Am I missing something obvious?

Wrapping the entire FlexibleBottomSheet in an if statement and check some state before showing works, but then it gets awkward to have a nice animation to hide it when that state changes, it would just abruptly disappear.

Expected Behaviour:

cacato86 commented 1 month ago

I had the same problem, any idea how to solve this @skydoves ?

Checking the code seems relative easy to fix, just adding the initialValue to the public fun rememberFlexibleBottomSheetState would work.

Thanks for your time!