skye8-tech / openFolio-v1-functional

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Set up the Git repository and project structure. #1

Open andrew21-mch opened 3 months ago

andrew21-mch commented 3 months ago

The goal of this issue is to initialize the project by setting up the Git repository and establishing the basic project structure. This is the foundation for the entire project, and it will ensure that all team members have a consistent environment to work within.

Steps to Complete:

clone the repository to your local machine using git clone [repository_url]. Establish Directory Structure as following

  /portfolio-website      # Root project directory
  ├── .gitignore          # Git ignore file to exclude unnecessary files from version control
  ├──           # (Optional) Documentation file for project setup and usage instructions
  ├── public/             # Publicly accessible files
  │   ├── index.php       # Main entry point of the application
  │   ├── login.php       # Login page for user authentication
  │   ├── register.php    # Registration page for new users
  │   ├── dashboard.php   # User dashboard after login
  │   ├── css/            # Directory for CSS files
  │   │   └── styles.css  # Main stylesheet for the website
  │   ├── js/             # Directory for JavaScript files
  │   │   └── script.js   # (Optional) Main JavaScript file for client-side interactions
  │   ├── images/         # Directory for static images
  │   │   └── placeholder.png  # Example image file
  │   ├── uploads/        # Directory for user-uploaded files (e.g., project images, certifications)
  │   └── assets/         # Directory for additional assets like fonts or icons
  ├── includes/           # Reusable PHP scripts and configuration files
  │   ├── header.php      # Common header file for all pages
  │   ├── footer.php      # Common footer file for all pages
  │   ├── db.php          # Database connection file
  │   ├── auth.php        # Authentication logic and session management
  │   └── functions.php   # (Optional) Helper functions used across the site
  ├── config/             # Configuration files
  │   └── config.php      # Database configuration and other settings
  └── sql/                # SQL files for database schema
      └── schema.sql      # SQL script to create the necessary tables

Make the Initial Commit:

Add all the newly created files and folders to the Git staging area using git add .. Commit the changes with a meaningful commit message, such as "Initial project setup with basic directory structure." Push the initial commit to the remote repository if using a platform like GitHub.

Branching Strategy:

After the initial setup is complete, create a new branch (e.g., main) if the default branch is master or if a different branching strategy is desired. Ensure that all further development will be done on feature branches, with the main branch kept clean for integration and final code.

Acceptance Criteria:

The Git repository is successfully initialized and available to all team members. The directory structure is well-organized and follows the specified layout. Initial files, including index.php, styles.css, and db.php, are created and committed. The initial commit is pushed to the remote repository, and the branching strategy is defined. This setup will ensure that the team has a consistent starting point and a clear structure for further development