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Subpoints from Array of Geocentric Satellite Positions #230

Closed Tucktuckgoose closed 4 years ago

Tucktuckgoose commented 5 years ago

I am relatively new to both python and skyfield, and I am messing around to see what the capabilities are. I have successfully been able to calculate ISS coordinates in Lat, Long, Alt for a single point in time, but I am trying to write a program to generate a csv of those positions across a range of times. Here is my code up to this point.

from skyfield.api import Topos, load
import csv
from datetime import datetime

time_now = datetime.utcnow()

#Set the number of minutes on either side of time now that you want data for
time_buffer = 15
#Set the time buffer step in seconds
time_buffer_step = 5

#Read in the most up to date TLE for the ISS, and load it
stations_url = ''
satellites = load.tle(stations_url)
satellite = satellites['ISS (ZARYA)']

with open('iss_location.csv', mode='w') as satellite_file:
    #Open a new CSV for writing
    satellite_write = csv.writer(satellite_file,delimiter=',',quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

    #Create Headers

    #Calculate the buffer time
    time_low_seconds = time_now.second - (time_buffer * 60)
    time_high_seconds = time_now.second + (time_buffer * 60)

    #Set up the range of times to sample from
    ts =load.timescale()
    time_range = ts.utc(time_now.year, time_now.month,, time_now.hour, time_now.minute, range(time_low_seconds, time_high_seconds, time_buffer_step))

    geocentric =

    for geo in geocentric:
        subpoint = geo.subpoint()
    #    satellite_write.writerow([subpoint.latitude.degrees,subpoint.longitude.degrees,int(])

At the line subpoint = geo.subpoint() I get the error:

File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\skyfield\", line 465, in subpoint raise ValueError("you can only ask for the geographic subpoint" ValueError: you can only ask for the geographic subpoint of a position measured from Earth's center

Is there a problem with creating subpoints from an array, or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks and Merry Christmas!

brandon-rhodes commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure what happens if you try to loop over a geocentric object — you could add print(geo) to the loop so we can see what kind of object you got?

mattabern commented 5 years ago

I'm having basically the same error in a similar circumstance. When I run a print line in the loop it prints the object as <Geocentric position and velocity at date t>.

It looks like it's not handling the time array well. If I instead run with a single time instead of an array of times, it solves just fine.

The .position method works just fine with the time array.

mattabern commented 5 years ago

Well, I can force the issue with something like Then it runs without issue.

What is the purpose of the if != 399: check on line 464 of anyway? Why 399?

ghost commented 5 years ago

399 is the Earth's center (the geocenter) as defined by NAIF:

Update: my guess below is wrong-- line 84 of sets center = 399. So maybe try mapping over the list or, as Brandon suggested, printing to make sure you're actually getting back what you want.


I'm guessing the object returns is measured geocentrically, but isn't set to 399 for some reason. I think tweaking would fix this.

brandon-rhodes commented 4 years ago

Happily, this appears to have been fixed during a recent refactoring! I can't reproduce it now with Skyfield master. Please re-open if this recurs in the future.