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skyfield Phases of the Moon #721

Closed JeffRossMT closed 2 years ago

JeffRossMT commented 2 years ago


I have something odd that could very well be my failure to understand how to get the current phase of the moon via skyfield.

I'm using as my authoritative source, using Month: 3, Day: 13, UT Hour: 21 as the input for the Moon Phase and Libration, 2022 page.

Time Sunday, March 13, 2022, 21:00 UT
Phase 80.4% (11d 3h 25m)
Diameter 1795.6 arcseconds
Distance 399150 km (31.33 Earth diameters)
J2000 Right Ascension, Declination 8h 14m 57s, 24° 35' 3"
Subsolar Longitude, Latitude 48.809°, -1.411°
Sub-Earth Longitude, Latitude -3.650°, -6.063°
Position Angle 13.478°

Here's the short python3 script I'm using:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from skyfield import almanac
from skyfield.api import N, W, wgs84, load
from skyfield.framelib import ecliptic_frame
import subprocess
import ephem

m = ephem.Moon()
current_time = subprocess.check_output("psql -X -A -t -q -d postgres -c \"select date_trunc('hour',now() at time zone 'UTC')\"",stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)[:-1].decode('utf-8')
print("Current UTC Time: %s" % (current_time))

print("pyephem Previous New Moon at UTC: %s" % (ephem.previous_new_moon(current_time)))
print("pyepehm Moon Percent Illuminated at Current UTC Time: %s" % (str(round(m.phase,2)) + '%'))

ts = load.timescale()
t =
eph = load('de421.bsp')
sun, moon, earth = eph['sun'], eph['moon'], eph['earth']
phase = almanac.moon_phase(eph,t)
print("skyfield Phase of the Moon in degrees: %s" % (str(phase).replace('deg',u'\u00B0').replace(' ','')))
print('skyfield Moon phase: {:.1f} degrees'.format(phase.degrees))

e =
_, slon, _ = e.observe(sun).apparent().frame_latlon(ecliptic_frame)
_, mlon, _ = e.observe(moon).apparent().frame_latlon(ecliptic_frame)
phase = (mlon.degrees - slon.degrees) % 360.0
print("ecliptic frame Moon phase %s" % (phase))
print("skyfield formatted Moon phase %s" % ('{0:.1f}'.format(phase)))

Running that I get:

jross@aurora-cam:~$ python3
Current UTC Time: 2022-03-13 21:00:00
pyephem Previous New Moon at UTC: 2022/3/2 17:34:45
pyepehm Moon Percent Illuminated at Current UTC Time: 80.41%
skyfield Phase of the Moon in degrees: 127°35'49.2"
skyfield Moon phase: 127.6 degrees
ecliptic frame Moon phase 127.59701283771142
skyfield formatted Moon phase 127.6

pypehem's percent illuminated matches NASA's but I can't see any way to make skyfield's Moon phase result come anywhere near the Waxing Gibbous phase that the Moon is currently at.

What am I missing?


Jeff Ross

brandon-rhodes commented 2 years ago

Those are two different numbers that mean different things. Where in the Skyfield documentation could the description of the Moon phase be improved to clarify that it's the Moon's angle around the sky, not its percent illumination?

To learn the fraction of its surface that's illuminated, try the fraction_illuminated() Skyfield method:

See if that gives you a result that matches more closely!

JeffRossMT commented 2 years ago

Thank you Brandon! I did a poor job of reading and understanding the documentation. Phase of the Moon in my mind equates to New, Waxing Crescent and so on and that's how pyephem uses it.

Perhaps add a line like this:

jross@MacMini:/Users/jross $ diff -U3 examples.html.orig examples.html
--- examples.html.orig  2022-03-02 22:28:06.000000000 -0700
+++ examples.html   2022-03-18 12:27:59.000000000 -0600
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@
 90° at the First Quarter,
 180° at the Full Moon,
 and 270° at the Last Quarter.</p>
+<p>To find what portion of the Moon is illuminated, see the <a href = "">fraction illuminated</a> routine.</p>
 <div class="highlight-python notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">skyfield.api</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">load</span>
 <span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">skyfield.framelib</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">ecliptic_frame</span>

@@ -456,4 +457,4 @@

\ No newline at end of file

What module do I import to use fraction_illuminated()?


brandon-rhodes commented 2 years ago

What module do I import to use fraction_illuminated()?

Happily, it's a method on the position you already have; no need to import anything (assuming you have the most recent 1.42 version of Skyfield).

hanetzer commented 2 years ago

Exactly how would one go about using this, in context of the above script? What 'object' or variable is it called from? (fraction_illuminated)

brandon-rhodes commented 2 years ago

Exactly how would one go about using this, in context of the above script?

The script would need to keep the Apparent position object, instead of throwing it away after the frame_latlon() call. It would look something like:

m = e.observe(moon).apparent()
fraction = m.fraction_illuminated(sun)
hanetzer commented 2 years ago

Got it. I ended up going with just using the new moon/conjunction date/times spat out from the almanac library.

brandon-rhodes commented 2 years ago

@JeffRossMT @hanetzer — I've added the fraction of the moon that's illuminated to that example in the documentation, as you can see from the commit just above this comment. The new docs should appear with the next Skyfield release. Thanks for the idea!