skyfloogle / red-viper

A Virtual Boy emulator for the 3DS
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[Suggestion] Support to color #44

Open cualquiercosa327 opened 4 months ago

cualquiercosa327 commented 4 months ago

Hello, first I want to give thanks for your awesome work : it is a awesome way to could enjoy this underrated machine.

I want to suggest the option of making it could use different colors as it does some gb emulators.

colorize your games

It would awesome user could do "patches" and maybe add this feature. Maybe it could be implemented on a way than homebrew developers could use it when compilate their stuff allowing keep the colors on a external patch and their binary go on full 100% virtual boy compatibility. (I suppose it would be the part where the sprites are converted to vb format when the extra data would keep on the ips file). Thanks

DuplexEagle commented 3 months ago

This would especially be awesome since the Virtual Boy was originally envisioned by Nintendo to have a full colour display.

cualquiercosa327 commented 3 months ago

This would especially be awesome since the Virtual Boy was originally envisioned by Nintendo to have a full colour display.

Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing.

eadmaster commented 3 months ago

related implementations in other emus:

cualquiercosa327 commented 3 months ago

Hi. I had no seen that. It looks nice but it seems hard to build the color files. Also it would be great if more than 4 color could be used (as we are talking of an emulator, it should no be harder. As example (Although it was more complex, it was done by Sega with their "Gigadrive" for 3ds