skygering / land-ocean-warming-ratio

Code to parameterize the land-ocean warming ration within the HECTOR simple climate model
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CDO an NETCDF Part II #2

Open kdorheim opened 4 years ago

kdorheim commented 4 years ago

Background Notes


Before we get to the tasks here is a bit of information about the different ways one can use cdo.

I prefer execute the cdo commands in R, in my opinion this set up is more reproducible, allows for defensive programing, diagnostic tests, and validity checks. If you are more comfortable with setting up a bash script we can talk about doing that but for now I would like us to focus on understanding cdo from command line and in R.

cdo uses the following syntax cdo operator_name in_file_nc out_file_nc where

Netcdfs and R

Hints for working with netcdfs in R

Plotting in R

Most intro stats class use base R plots to visualize the results. We will be using ggplot2, the grammar rules can be funky at first, let me know if you have questions, Steph is also a good ggplot resource (she is a data viz wizard). FYI ggplot syntax works best with long formatted data.

kdorheim commented 4 years ago


Up next, we will start playing around with executing cdo via the R system2 call

skygering commented 4 years ago

Problem CDO doesn't seem to be able to open netCDF-4 files. The files that I got to open were CF-convention files. I read online that netCDF-4 files are unzipped by CDO. I am wondering if that isn't happening for some reason?

bpbond commented 4 years ago

NetCDF 4 is ten years old and I'm pretty sure CDO should handle it fine. Can you provide a reproducible example?

kdorheim commented 4 years ago

@skygering Was the issue just with the example data I had you pull from fldgen? Does it work this data? (I think you are going to have to unzip it first)

skygering commented 4 years ago

Answers to above questions:

-I am also struggling with using gglot to plot without using a pipeline because I need to input a data frame but I don't quite understand what that is. I just want to put in the x and y values, but clearly ggplot2 needs a bit more fineness. Since apply returns just a list, and it seems like I need a more complicated data structure for ggplot2, I am not sure what to do.

I will ask Ben questions tomorrow morning at our meeting!

kdorheim commented 4 years ago

@skygering great work!

You are right apply is the best function to work with here, latter on though we will be using lapply because it will let us use a single function to process data from lots of different models. BTW you used apply perfectly! I hope that didn't take you too long to figure out (I had intentionally left out some info in hopes that you'd come ask for help but looks like you were able to figure it out).

As for getting the data into a data frame, you can make a data frame out of vectors!

So something like this.

# Calculate the mean tas 
mean_tas <- apply(data, 3, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))

# Extract the time information
time <- ncvar_get(nc, 'time')

# Format the time and temp vectors into a data.frame
df <- data.frame(time = time, 
                 value = mean_tas)

Something that might be helpful to work on would be as @bpbond mentioned to set up reproducible samples of code. This can help debugging. Also for the scripts that you write related to these learning activities let's save them to this repo in a directory called scratch. To give you some practice with working with git, pull request, and reviews. As always I am happy to talk about any questions you may have and @bpbond is a great person to talk this over with as well.

skygering commented 4 years ago

I finished everything and made the directory in my repo! Here are the graphs for the weighted (from CDO) and unweighted (from R) data. weighted_mean_tas_gg unweighted_mean_tas_gg

Even though it was clear from the graphs that the two data sets are not the same, I still used identical() and all.equal() to check to make sure I knew how to use them. All of my work from this exercise is in the tas_cdo.R file!

I do have a github questions. When I made the scratch directory, I made a branch and then cloned the branch onto my local desktop to put my files into it. I now realize that the github URL is the same no matter which branch, so when I pushed my files up it went into the master branch rather than my new branch. While that doesn't really matter in this case, I was wondering if there is a way to clone or push to a specific branch?

Ready for the next part!

bpbond commented 4 years ago

👏 nice work @skygering - love the graphs

git clone clones an entire repository, including all branches (which may have different remotes, though I've never done this)

Pushing is by definition branch-specific.