Closed mqliang closed 6 years ago
@mqliang see runSession() in latest lib/plugins/leetcode.js
412 function runSession(method, data, cb) {
413 const opts = makeOpts(config.sys.urls.session);
414 opts.json = true;
415 opts.method = method;
416 opts.body = data;
418 const spin = h.spin('Waiting session result');
419 request(opts, function(e, resp, body) {
420 spin.stop();
421 e = checkError(e, resp, 200);
422 if (e && e.statusCode === 302) e = session.errors.EXPIRED;
424 return e ? cb(e) : cb(null, body.sessions);
425 });
426 }
428 plugin.getSessions = function(cb) {
429 log.debug('running leetcode.getSessions');
430 runSession('POST', {}, cb);
431 };
433 plugin.activateSession = function(session, cb) {
434 log.debug('running leetcode.activateSession');
435 const data = {func: 'activate', target:};
436 runSession('PUT', data, cb);
437 };
Hi, I am planning to write a chrome plugin to auto switch sessions when I login. Can you please share me the API of switching session, I tried to read the source code of leetcode-cli, but didn't find it.
Great thanks!