skyhover / Deckard

Code clone detection; clone-related bug detection; sematic clone analysis
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typefile and nodefiles #24

Open qw3ry opened 4 years ago

qw3ry commented 4 years ago

I noticed that the Deckard 2 config parameters for TYPE_FILE, RELEVANT_NODEFILE, LEAF_NODEFILE and PARENT_NODEFILE of the sample config point to the nonexistent directory Deckard/testdata. I assume that they are pretty important, as the detection outputs a lot of garbage if they are not changed.

What is supposed to be in these files? I assume this is about the node types for the ASTs, but I cant figure out how to specify them.

I'm using Java and want to run Deckard on BigCloneEval. The clones should have method level granularity. It is especially important that I can configure Deckard to prune irrelevant NODE types early, as I want to run a performance analysis and comparison, and it doesn't feel fair to run Deckard on a lot more ASTs than necessary.