When we run the application in debug schema #31 ) we see a menu of tutorials. One of the tutorials is the "DataList"
By pressing "DataList," TRLDataListViewController is open (tutorial data list controller).
TRLDataListViewController includes just one element, "DataList" (consider making this element in xib)
DataList is collectionView in xib file, that has some "configure(title: [String], imageName: String)" method and Delegate "element pressed" with id of the element
DESIGN NO IMAGE [DESIGN WITH IMAGE]https://www.figma.com/proto/3woiTUy6SjwrcOVz4Mbd4S/Skylab?page-id=289%3A47&node-id=340-1335&viewport=1625%2C459%2C0.19&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=340%3A251
Acceptance criteria:
Better to be done after #31