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[FEATURE] Create LessonCheckResultController (design+viewModel) #87

Open 1cetoprosto opened 1 year ago

1cetoprosto commented 1 year ago


Description: This screen displays the task condition received from ChatGPT, and the user can contribute their solution for verification by ChatGPT.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. The user reaches this screen after clicking the "Task 1" button at the top of the screen.


  1. The label should reflect the condition of the task received from ChatGPT. The selection of the topic is done earlier on the previous screens.


  1. In the TextField the user should be able to enter the code of his solution to the task.
  2. There should be two buttons at the bottom of the screen according to the design. Notes:

You need to create a viewModel to get the conditions of the task from ChatGPT. For now you can use random data.