skylicht-lab / skylicht-engine

Skylicht Engine is C++ Game Engine based on Irrlicht 3D. And my goal is to create a high-performance and lightweight Game Framework that can seamlessly function on both web and mobile platforms. This framework will be available to everyone for free.
MIT License
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android https #151

Open zxm1985 opened 2 years ago

zxm1985 commented 2 years ago

I found that the Android client httprequest class could not handle the connection of HTTPS certificates, and did not let me specifically connect to OpenSSL during the compilation process. Is there something wrong with me?

ducphamhong commented 2 years ago

Hello, can you try to build the BoringSSL.

And enable OpenSSL on Android. You can see the file CMakelists.txt on line 122

More info: See the file Projects/Thirdparty/CMakelists.txt for curl.


Can you wait me some days, i will merge the OpenSSL support on Https Android Thanks.

zxm1985 commented 2 years ago

Well, I used libcurl before, and I dealt with it on Android. It's not very urgent. I'm eager to launch IOS platform. I tried some other c++ engines, such as cocos2d-x and urho3d. There are some serious problems. The official maintenance of cocos2d-x4 is no longer available, and it can't be compiled on the latest Xcode at all. Urho3d will crash inexplicably. I still like the simple Irrlicht engine best. If there is any new progress in IOS, I will be very happy.