Closed threerog closed 2 years ago
My computer configuration cpu:i9-12900K ram:128GB The crash should have nothing to do with my computer configuration Target APK size: 257mb download here
I don't dare to manually enter the search target in the jadx search box, otherwise it will cause blocking and crash due to the real-time loading of jadx. I can only edit the search target in advance and paste it directly into the search window of jadx, but sometimes it will block and crash.
@threerog The APK download link just points to the website but there is no download link, only links to app stores. What version have you tried and what SHA-1 does your APK file has?
What preference have you configured in Jadx for Code cache mode
您在 Jadx 中为哪些首选项配置了什么?
Code cache mode
{ "flattenPackage": false, "checkForUpdates": true, "fontStr": "", "smaliFontStr": "", "editorThemePath": "/org/fife/ui/rsyntaxtextarea/themes/default.xml", "lafTheme": "FlatLaf Light", "langLocale": { "locale": "zh_CN" }, "autoStartJobs": true, "excludedPackages": "", "autoSaveProject": false, "showHeapUsageBar": true, "alwaysSelectOpened": false, "codeAreaLineWrap": false, "srhResourceSkipSize": 10, "srhResourceFileExt": ".xml|.html|.js|.json|.txt", "keepCommonDialogOpen": true, "smaliAreaShowBytecode": true, "lineNumbersMode": "AUTO", "mainWindowVerticalSplitterLoc": 300, "debuggerStackFrameSplitterLoc": 300, "debuggerVarTreeSplitterLoc": 700, "adbDialogPath": "", "adbDialogHost": "localhost", "adbDialogPort": "5037", "codeCacheMode": "DISK_WITH_CACHE", "jumpOnDoubleClick": true, "treeWidth": 633, "settingsVersion": 18, "skipResources": false, "skipSources": false, "exportAsGradleProject": false, "threadsCount": 20, "decompilationMode": "AUTO", "showInconsistentCode": true, "useImports": true, "debugInfo": true, "addDebugLines": false, "inlineAnonymousClasses": true, "inlineMethods": true, "replaceConsts": true, "escapeUnicode": true, "respectBytecodeAccessModifiers": false, "deobfuscationOn": true, "deobfuscationMinLength": 3, "deobfuscationMaxLength": 64, "deobfuscationMapFileMode": "READ", "deobfuscationUseSourceNameAsAlias": true, "deobfuscationParseKotlinMetadata": true, "useKotlinMethodsForVarNames": "APPLY", "renameFlags": [ "CASE", "VALID", "PRINTABLE" ], "fsCaseSensitive": false, "cfgOutput": false, "rawCfgOutput": false, "fallbackMode": false, "useDx": false, "commentsLevel": "INFO", "pluginOptions": {} }
@threerog recently I commit several search improvements including option to disable auto search and various performance optimizations (related issue #1600 and #1601), so please check latest unstable build.
@threerog The APK download link just points to the website but there is no download link, only links to app stores. What version have you tried and what SHA-1 does your APK file has?
What preference have you configured in Jadx for
Code cache mode
on version 1.4.3