skylot / jadx

Dex to Java decompiler
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[core] Code restructure failed for a small method #2 #963

Open bagipro opened 4 years ago

bagipro commented 4 years ago


    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:11:0x001c, code lost:
        if ((( r4).rightItem.hasPendingBindings() == false) goto L_0x001f;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:12:0x001e, code lost:
        return true;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:13:0x001f, code lost:
        return false;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:8:0x0013, code lost:
        if ((( r4).leftItem.hasPendingBindings() == false) goto L_0x0016;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:9:0x0015, code lost:
        return true;
    @Override // androidx.databinding.ViewDataBinding
    public boolean hasPendingBindings() {
        synchronized (this) {
            if (this.mDirtyFlags != 0) {
                return true;


bagipro commented 4 years ago

And one more in the same APK. Class

        /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:10:0x0013, code lost:
        /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:11:0x0025, code lost:
            return new, r1);
        /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:12:0x0026, code lost:
            return null;
        /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:9:0x0011, code lost:
            if (r1 == null) goto L_0x0026;
        @Override //
        public dequeueWork() {
            synchronized (this.mLock) {
                if (this.mParams == null) {
                    return null;
       dequeueWork = this.mParams.dequeueWork();
tongma commented 4 years ago

/ JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:13:0x002a, code lost: if (com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.access$100() == false) goto L_0x002c; / / Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. / public void run() { /* r9 = this; com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r0 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this r0 = r0.mSocket r1 = 0 if (r0 == 0) goto L_0x000b com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r0 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this r0.mSocket = r1 L_0x000b: boolean r0 = r9._run if (r0 == 0) goto L_0x0316 r2 = 100 r0 = 32768(0x8000, float:4.5918E-41) r4 = 0 java.lang.Thread.sleep(r2) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } boolean r2 = r9._run // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } if (r2 != 0) goto L_0x001e goto L_0x0316 L_0x001e: com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r2 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r2 = r2.mSocket // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x002c com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r2 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } boolean r2 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.ICY200OK // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } if (r2 != 0) goto L_0x0068 L_0x002c: com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r2 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r3 = r3.mIP // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r5 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r5 = r5.mPort // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r2.getCorsServiceSocket(r3, r5) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r2 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r2 = r2.dos // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x0068 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r2 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r2 = r2.dos // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r3 = r3.mMountedpoint // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r5 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r5 = r5.mUserID // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r6 = r6.mPwd // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.UtilNtrip.CreateHttpRequsets(r3, r5, r6) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } byte[] r3 = r3.getBytes() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r2.write(r3) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } L_0x0068: com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r2 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r2 = r2.mSocket // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x0314 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r2 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r2 = r2.mSocket // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } boolean r2 = r2.isConnected() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } if (r2 == 0) goto L_0x0314 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r2 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r2 = r2.mSocket // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } boolean r2 = r2.isClosed() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } if (r2 != 0) goto L_0x0314 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r2 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int unused = r2.NoDataCount_Type2 = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r2 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r2 = r2.dis // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } byte[] r3 = r9.buffer // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } byte[] r5 = r9.buffer // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int r5 = r5.length // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int r2 =, r4, r5) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r3 = 1 if (r2 < r3) goto L_0x01d9 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r5 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int unused = r5.NoDataCount_Type1 = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r5 = new java.lang.String // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } byte[] r6 = r9.buffer // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r5.(r6) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r6 = "ICY 200 OK" boolean r6 = r5.startsWith(r6) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } if (r6 == 0) goto L_0x00df com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r6.ntrip_state = r3 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r7 = "ICY 200 OK" java.lang.String unused = r6.feedBackState = r7 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r6 = "ntriplog" java.lang.StringBuilder r7 = new java.lang.StringBuilder // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r7.() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r8 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r8 = r8.mMountedpoint // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r7.append(r8) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r8 = "/ICY 200 OK" r7.append(r8) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r7 = r7.toString() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } android.util.Log.d(r6, r7) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } boolean unused = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.ICY200OK = r3 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r3.BuffLen = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } goto L_0x01d7 L_0x00df: java.lang.String r6 = "401 Unauthorized" boolean r6 = r5.contains(r6) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } if (r6 == 0) goto L_0x0111 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r6 = "401 UNAUTHORIZED" java.lang.String unused = r3.feedBackState = r6 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r3 = "ntriplog" java.lang.StringBuilder r6 = new java.lang.StringBuilder // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r6.() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r7 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r7 = r7.mMountedpoint // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r6.append(r7) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r7 = "/401 UNAUTHORIZED" r6.append(r7) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r6 = r6.toString() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } android.util.Log.d(r3, r6) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } boolean unused = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.ICY200OK = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } goto L_0x01d7 L_0x0111: java.lang.String r6 = "SOURCETABLE 200 OK" boolean r6 = r5.contains(r6) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } if (r6 == 0) goto L_0x0147 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r6 = "SOURCETABLE 200 OK" java.lang.String unused = r3.feedBackState = r6 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r3 = "ntriplog" java.lang.StringBuilder r6 = new java.lang.StringBuilder // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r6.() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r7 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r7 = r7.mMountedpoint // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r6.append(r7) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r7 = "/SOURCETABLE 200 OK" r6.append(r7) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r6 = r6.toString() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } android.util.Log.d(r3, r6) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } boolean unused = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.ICY200OK = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r3.BuffLen = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } goto L_0x01d7 L_0x0147: byte[] r6 = r9.buffer // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } if (r6 == 0) goto L_0x01d3 byte[] r6 = r9.buffer // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int r6 = r6.length // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } if (r6 <= 0) goto L_0x01d3 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } boolean r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.ICY200OK // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } if (r6 == 0) goto L_0x01d3 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r6.ntrip_data_state = r3 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r7 = "SUCCESSFUL" java.lang.String unused = r6.feedBackState = r7 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int r6 = r6.BuffLen // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int r6 = r6 + r2 if (r6 < r0) goto L_0x0194 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r6.RtcmUpdate = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } byte[] r7 = new byte[r0] // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r6.bufferRtcm = r7 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r6.BuffLen = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r6 = "ntriplog" java.lang.StringBuilder r7 = new java.lang.StringBuilder // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r7.() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r8 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r8 = r8.mMountedpoint // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r7.append(r8) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r8 = "/bufferRtcm将溢出,已清空" r7.append(r8) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r7 = r7.toString() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } android.util.Log.d(r6, r7) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } L_0x0194: byte[] r6 = r9.buffer // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r7 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } byte[] r7 = r7.bufferRtcm // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r8 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int r8 = r8.BuffLen // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.System.arraycopy(r6, r4, r7, r8, r2) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r7 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int r7 = r7.BuffLen // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int r7 = r7 + r2 r6.BuffLen = r7 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r6.RtcmUpdate = r3 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r3 = "ntriplog" java.lang.StringBuilder r6 = new java.lang.StringBuilder // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r6.() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r7 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r7 = r7.mMountedpoint // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r6.append(r7) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r7 = "/receive stream server,len=" r6.append(r7) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r6.append(r2) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r7 = "=:" r6.append(r7) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r6 = r6.toString() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } android.util.Log.d(r3, r6) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } goto L_0x01d7 L_0x01d3: com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r3.RtcmUpdate = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } L_0x01d7: goto L_0x0314 L_0x01d9: com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r5 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r5.RtcmUpdate = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r5 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int r6 = r6.NoDataCount_Type1 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int r6 = r6 - r3 int unused = r5.NoDataCount_Type1 = r6 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int r3 = r3.NoDataCount_Type1 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r5 = -100 if (r3 >= r5) goto L_0x0314 java.lang.String r3 = "ntriplog" java.lang.StringBuilder r5 = new java.lang.StringBuilder // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r5.() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r6 = r6.mMountedpoint // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r5.append(r6) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r6 = "Type1 no data!! restart ntrip socket." r5.append(r6) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } java.lang.String r5 = r5.toString() // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } android.util.Log.e(r3, r5) // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } boolean unused = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.ICY200OK = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r3.mSocket = r1 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r3.ntrip_state = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r3.ntrip_data_state = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } byte[] r5 = new byte[r0] // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r3.bufferRtcm = r5 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } r3.BuffLen = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } int unused = r3.NoDataCount_Type1 = r4 // Catch:{ UnknownHostException -> 0x02dd, IOException -> 0x026a, InterruptedException -> 0x0231 } goto L_0x0314 L_0x0231: r2 = move-exception java.lang.String r3 = "ntriplog" java.lang.StringBuilder r5 = new java.lang.StringBuilder r5.() com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this java.lang.String r6 = r6.mMountedpoint r5.append(r6) java.lang.String r6 = "/var7" r5.append(r6) java.lang.String r5 = r5.toString() android.util.Log.e(r3, r5) r2.printStackTrace() com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this boolean unused = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.ICY200OK = r4 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this r3.mSocket = r1 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this r3.RtcmUpdate = r4 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this byte[] r0 = new byte[r0] r3.bufferRtcm = r0 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r0 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this r0.BuffLen = r4 goto L_0x0314 L_0x026a: r2 = move-exception r2.printStackTrace() java.lang.String r3 = "ntriplog" java.lang.StringBuilder r5 = new java.lang.StringBuilder // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } r5.() // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r6 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } java.lang.String r6 = r6.mMountedpoint // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } r5.append(r6) // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } java.lang.String r6 = "/var6" r5.append(r6) // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } java.lang.String r5 = r5.toString() // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } android.util.Log.e(r3, r5) // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } r3 = r3.dos // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } r3.close() // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } r3 = r3.dis // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } r3.close() // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } r3.mSocket = r1 // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } boolean unused = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.ICY200OK = r4 // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } r3.RtcmUpdate = r4 // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } byte[] r0 = new byte[r0] // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } r3.bufferRtcm = r0 // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r0 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } r0.BuffLen = r4 // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r0 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } r0.ntrip_state = r4 // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r0 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } r0.ntrip_data_state = r4 // Catch:{ IOException -> 0x02bc } goto L_0x0314 L_0x02bc: r0 = move-exception r0.printStackTrace() java.lang.String r3 = "ntriplog" java.lang.StringBuilder r4 = new java.lang.StringBuilder r4.() com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r5 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this java.lang.String r5 = r5.mMountedpoint r4.append(r5) java.lang.String r5 = "/var4.printStackTrace()" r4.append(r5) java.lang.String r4 = r4.toString() android.util.Log.e(r3, r4) goto L_0x0314 L_0x02dd: r2 = move-exception com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this boolean unused = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.ICY200OK = r4 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this r3.mSocket = r1 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this r3.RtcmUpdate = r4 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r3 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this byte[] r0 = new byte[r0] r3.bufferRtcm = r0 com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r0 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this r0.BuffLen = r4 r2.printStackTrace() java.lang.String r0 = "ntriplog" java.lang.StringBuilder r3 = new java.lang.StringBuilder r3.() com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip r4 = com.aircas.gnss.util.NetWorkServiceNtrip.this java.lang.String r4 = r4.mMountedpoint r3.append(r4) java.lang.String r4 = "/var5" r3.append(r4) java.lang.String r3 = r3.toString() android.util.Log.e(r0, r3) L_0x0314: goto L_0x000b L_0x0316: return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:"); }