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Support module augmentation #299

Open iykekings opened 2 years ago

iykekings commented 2 years ago

The code below is from skypack generated module of purifree-ts@1.2.3, Either.d.ts file

import { ApKind, ofAp } from './pointfree/ap.d.ts';
import { ofSymbol } from './pointfree/do.d.ts';
import { HKT, ReplaceFirst, Type, URIS } from './pointfree/hkt.d.ts';
import { Either } from '/-/purify-ts@v1.2.2-xhZLts6C3fmFhpKKs51d/dist=es2019,mode=types/Either.d.ts';
export declare const EITHER_URI = "Either";
export declare type EITHER_URI = typeof EITHER_URI;
declare module './pointfree/hkt.d.ts' {
    interface URI2HKT<Types extends any[]> {
        [EITHER_URI]: Either<Types[1], Types[0]>;
declare module 'purify-ts/Either' {
    interface Either<L, R> extends HKT<EITHER_URI, [R, L]> {
        readonly _URI: EITHER_URI;
        readonly _A: [R, L];
        [Symbol.iterator]: () => Iterator<Either<L, R>, R, any>;
        [ofSymbol]: typeof Either['of'];
        traverse<URI extends URIS, AP extends ApKind<any, any> = ApKind<URI, any>>(of: ofAp<URI>, f: (a: R) => AP): Type<URI, ReplaceFirst<AP['_A'], Either<L, AP['_A'][0]>>>;
        sequence<Ap extends ApKind<any, any>>(this: Either<L, Ap>, of: ofAp<Ap['_URI']>): Type<Ap['_URI'], ReplaceFirst<Ap['_A'], Either<L, Ap['_A'][0]>>>;
        'fantasy-land/traverse'<URI extends URIS, AP extends ApKind<any, any> = ApKind<URI, any>>(of: ofAp<URI>, f: (a: R) => AP): Type<URI, ReplaceFirst<AP['_A'], Either<L, AP['_A'][0]>>>;
        'fantasy-land/sequence'<Ap extends ApKind<any, any>>(this: Either<L, Ap>, of: ofAp<Ap['_URI']>): Type<Ap['_URI'], ReplaceFirst<Ap['_A'], Either<L, Ap['_A'][0]>>>;
export declare type IsLeft = {
    <L, R>(either: Either<L, R>): either is Either<L, never>;
export declare type IsRight = {
    <L, R>(either: Either<L, R>): either is Either<never, R>;
export declare const isLeft: IsLeft;
export declare const isRight: IsRight;
export { Right, Either, Left } from '/-/purify-ts@v1.2.2-xhZLts6C3fmFhpKKs51d/dist=es2019,mode=types/Either.d.ts';
export type { EitherPatterns } from 'purify-ts/Either';

But because the import and export module for Either is different from the one in the declare block, the augmentation fails. So additional types added by the augmentation are not reflected.