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figmasset@v0.1.8 could not be built #326

Open ebrelsford opened 1 year ago

ebrelsford commented 1 year ago

I maintain this package and it was working fine with the previous version. I'm not sure what changed that would lead to it but the error is here:

 * [Package Error] "figmasset@v0.1.8" could not be built. 
 * No build output found.
 * How to fix:
 *   - If you believe this to be an error in Skypack, file an issue here:
 *   - If you believe this to be an issue in the package, share this URL with the package authors to help them debug & fix.
 *   - Use to find a web-friendly alternative to find another package.

console.warn("[Package Error] \"figmasset@v0.1.8\" could not be built. ");
throw new Error("[Package Error] \"figmasset@v0.1.8\" could not be built. ");
export default null;

Would appreciate any tips you can provide to make it build again!