skypher / paktahn

yaourt-style package manager/install helper for ArchLinux
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Segfaults at compiling #52

Closed Donearm closed 13 years ago

Donearm commented 13 years ago

When trying to compile or latest git (are those the same?), the compilation exits very early with:

24769 Errore di segmentazione $SBCL --noinform --lose-on-corruption --end-runtime-options --no-userinit --no-sysinit --eval "(pushnew :paktahn-deploy *features*)" --eval "(require :asdf)" --eval "(setf asdf:*central-registry* '(\"$srcdir/\" \"$srcdir/clbuild.paktahn/systems/\"))" --eval "(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'paktahn)" --eval "(pak::build-core :forkp nil)"

Also, which may shed more light about the issue, previously compiled paktahn ( under kernel 2.6.39 segfaults at every invocation with kernel 3.0. I'm using Archlinux 64, up to date, kernel 3.0 vanilla

kingcons commented 13 years ago

Thanks for filing this issue Donearm. I suspect it might be an underlying SBCL problem that will be rectified when 1.0.51 is released this month but we'll see. Trev311 and I will try to find some time to look at this tomorrow and see if anything can be done.

kingcons commented 13 years ago

This bug should be fixed upstream now. If you install the latest SBCL from Arch repos and reinstall Paktahn, you'll be in good shape!