skypjack / entt

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class object to entt? #1117

Closed MariwanJ closed 2 months ago

MariwanJ commented 3 months ago


skypjack commented 3 months ago

Can you provide a minimal reproducible example, please? I barely get what you're talking about, sorry. Thanks in advance.

skypjack commented 3 months ago

Really, I don't get what you mean with the class destructor is called as soon as it is done with the creation and I can't compile and debug random projects from the web during the day, you know. 🙂 What destructor is called? The one of your component? What does after creation mean? Perhaps after invoking emplace?

skypjack commented 3 months ago

I really need a reproducible example to help, I'm sorry. I don't even get what your problem is at the moment. I'm sorry. I'll keep this PR around for a while waiting for more details. If they don't arrive, I'll close it as invalid in a few days. 👍

skypjack commented 2 months ago

After asking over and over for a repro so I could help, I now watched a few minutes of an 11 minute video in which someone either insults the author of EnTT or tries to prove that there is a bug in EnTT on the creation of components (which would make the library unusable, it's odd no one noticed). This is sad because my desire to help clashes with the demand that I invest hours for free to debug a codebase I don't know, when it would be enough to put in the effort like everyone else does to provide an MRE and get the help you need.

I stopped watching the video after seeing yet another reference captured as auto var = ... btw which, as we all know, makes a copy of the elements. My feeling was that you've an issue with your types that aren't correctly defined (ie not movable or with a badly designed move ctor/op), but seeing all the auto var = ... captures also makes me doubt about the overall knowledge of the language.

In any case, I'll leave this issue open for a couple more days. If you can provide an MRE you'll have all my help like anyone else so far. In the meantime, the issue is marked as invalid (and not reproducible) because this is it's nature at the moment. I'm sorry.

MariwanJ commented 2 months ago


Innokentiy-Alaytsev commented 2 months ago

@MariwanJ, here's a short action plan for you:

  1. Learn and practice C++ for 5 more years.
  2. ???
  3. Return here, re-read the issue and apologize.
MariwanJ commented 2 months ago

here's a short action plan for you:

1. Learn and practice C++ for 5 more years.

2. ???

3. Return here, re-read the issue and apologize.

Typical reply from people that don't help and start to personal attack. learn how you respect others

skypjack commented 2 months ago

Stop arguing with each other, thanks. It's useless.