skypjack / entt

Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity component system (ECS) and much more
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[Feature request] Support views filtering by absent components? #150

Closed BBI-RamonZarateSaiz closed 5 years ago

BBI-RamonZarateSaiz commented 5 years ago

Is there any reason why entt does not support defining views by being able specify missing components as well as existing components?

So for example I could iterate all entities that have a position component but not an orientation component.

I find it a very useful feature when working with ECS, so I wonder if this has come up before (did not find anything) or if there is any technical reason this could not be done, or any other reason.


indianakernick commented 5 years ago

I suggested this a while ago. A few of us had a discussion about it on Gitter. I can hardly remember the conversation but I think our main concerns were that even the best compilers will struggle to turn the crazy templates into code that is as fast as an if in the loop body. The feature made it into the TODO list and we left it there.

Although, what I was suggesting was doing complex things like A or B, any 1 from [A, B, C, D], not A. If you just want to exclude components then the templates won't be as crazy and it will probably be just as fast as an if in the loop body.

BBI-RamonZarateSaiz commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the reply! Yeah I thought it was weird it had not come up.

I can see the performance being a potential concern, but at the same time I would expect excluding components is quite comparable (check en entity is in a set vs check an entity is not in a set). Probably things get more expensive for persistent views?

But for example if the perf was comparable to an if, then that would be overall a gain IMO since right now I need an if on a large query to filter out entities that have a component to be excluded. If the view excludes those I don't need to check the if for the ones I already know are on the view.

Performance aside, the resulting code is considerably cleaner in many cases, from my experience, so it would likely be worth it.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Minor input on the topic: The current iteration of Unitys ECS implementation allows so called EntityArchetypeQueries which fetch all entities adhering to the specified constraints of the following form:

new EntityArchetypeQuery
    Any = Array.Empty<ComponentType>(),
    None = Array.Empty<ComponentType>(),
    All = new ComponentType[]

It allows to filter entities by required, optional and disallowed components.

skypjack commented 5 years ago

Is there any reason why entt does not support defining views by being able specify missing components as well as existing components?

Some reasons in random order:

That being said, I'm working on a great improvement for persistent views (if you are in the gitter room, you followed the discussion probably).
While working on it I realized that we can add all types of filters on these views without affecting performance during iterations.

Not sure yet, but likely you'll see support for filters on persistent views finding its way on master in future.
Unfortunately I've not an ETA for the feature. It mostly depends on my free time at the moment and I'm quite busy this month.

Side note for the whole bbi-* team. :-)
Do not forget to star the project if you like it and you use it!! Consider also supporting the development if possible, it would be really appreciated.

Thank you.

skypjack commented 5 years ago

@NearAutomata I thought about your comment about Any, None and All.

At a first glance:

If I had to develop something along this line, I'd proceed as it follows:

Keep in mind that the latter isn't a high performance tool, but I don't think we can really design something with the best performance and the strangest combinations of filters, so who cares?
It will serve the purpose on non critical paths, mostly gameplay (that is the sole point where I see uses for something like Any after all).

What about?

vblanco20-1 commented 5 years ago

I dont see any need for "Any" at all, with the design of this library. It exists for unity becouse you can do "block iteration" with that, and do your "if" at the block level (few hundred entities at a time). Given Entt doesnt have that, you are better just checking "has" yourself.

For the negative views, i think its completely fine if they are on persistent only. After all they are mostly a "performance" construct. The idea is to do something like filter out "Static" objects from a physics system, or other similar things. You can of course do the same with "has", but it would be much slower. Having them do the "if" themselves inside defeats the point, i think. At that point its better if the user does the "has" himself.

OvermindDL1 commented 5 years ago

Knowing 'any' can still make parallizing the work easier as then each system would know what is being accessed should that point come.

skypjack commented 5 years ago

To be honest, I never had the need for any and that's why I'm quite doubtful about investing time on it.
I cannot even imagine an use case. The sole that came up to my mind is something like - any of state 1, state 2 or state 3, to elaborate all the entities that own a state from a given fsm. Btw, being states exclusive, one can safely iterate them separately, thus any is pointless here.

Some examples that would convince me it's an useful feature?

OvermindDL1 commented 5 years ago

Back in my system I had 'all' (all components were required for this system), 'optional' (any?, these are components that might be accessed in this system), and 'none' (these components must not exist).

The optional was useful because at load-time a dependency-graph of systems was built up and they would execute across threads for any with no all/optional overlap, the optional was mostly a marker for this purpose.

skypjack commented 5 years ago

@OvermindDL1 your optional wasn't the same of any, if I got it.
Here all/none/any are meant as - give me all the entities that have all of A, B, then none of C, D, then any of E, F.
So, you end up with entities that have either A, B, E, or A, B, F, .

OvermindDL1 commented 5 years ago

So any here is more like xor rather than optional that I'd expect based on the name of any? I.E. either E or F is required, you must have one or the other? I could see that being useful at times but nothing immediately comes to mind, however a custom operation that we could pass in (a templatized thing ala mpl?) could be quite useful and generic for any use-case.

skypjack commented 5 years ago

@OvermindDL1 Almost. You can have either E, F or both of them actually.

OvermindDL1 commented 5 years ago

Ah so it is an inclusive or then, so your example had 3 possibilities for the matching.

BBI-RamonZarateSaiz commented 5 years ago

For me, as long as I can exclude components, then any becomes unnecessary as now I can split the work between views. For example you can make a view to exclude E, one to exclude F and one to include both. You can then not use one of them depending if you want xor functionality or not.

skypjack commented 5 years ago

Note for the future me (out of some tests). Try with filter arguments with composable filters (functions).
It should work for persistent views. Not sure about standard views, but it's promising.

skypjack commented 5 years ago

I thought about this. At a first glance, there are two options with their pros and cons:

Let's discuss this. Is having stateless systems a must have for which slightly worse performance during creation/destruction/sorting are the right price to pay?

skypjack commented 5 years ago

I made some experiments recently. See branch wip. Some notes:

  1. This feature requires another signal to work properly. Consider something like this: all_of<>, any_of<>, none_of<A, B, C>. It won't work if you aren't notified about entity creation. The other way around is to store a sort of try_to_assign function along with the underlying pools and invoke it each and every time a new entity is created. Note that in both the cases this affects performance on entity creation to some extents.

  2. In regard of the previous bullet, the sets of listeners strictly depend on the sets of component to observe (ie if you have an empty list as all_of, the set of listeners differs quite a lot from the case of a non empty list). This means more templates and sfinae'd functions/constexpr ifs all around so as to treat the different cases correctly.

  3. Filters attached on creation/destruction of components are much more complex and greater in number. It means that such a feature will affect even more the creation and destruction of components under certain circumstances.

And so on. On the other side, benefits are arguable. Mainly because there are other if-less approaches to use to obtain the same result and EnTT already offers all what is needed for them.
Because of that, I don't think I'll work more on it in future. I won't even merge it on master any time soon probably. Reasons are:

  1. As I said, the same result can be achieved using if-less additive strategies.

  2. I don't need such a feature (because of point 1, that is the way I did it so far), therefore I prefer to avoid to develop and to have to maintain something I won't use.

  3. Performance degrade a bit on some features and the codebase becomes more complex for no real benefits (it means that it doesn't allow you to do something you cannot do right now, it adds just another way to do it).

Unless someone pops out and gives me good reasons to proceed, I'll close the issue tomorrow as won't fix.

skypjack commented 5 years ago

As discussed with @vblanco20-1 on gitter, we can probably do something for the common case and just don't support all the others.
I reopened the issue so as to keep track of it.

In particular, something like this would work:

registry.persistent_view<A, B>(exclude<C>);

Put aside the syntax that will probably change a bit, these are the constraints:

Construction and destruction of components are still affected to some extents, but the boilerplate isn't that much.

Any thought?

skypjack commented 5 years ago

Please, take a look at the last commit (branch experimental). Feature still to be documented.

skypjack commented 5 years ago

Added a few notes about filters to the documentation. I'm almost ready to merge.
I'll wait for feedback for another couple of days, mainly because I'm out of home during the weekend. :smile:

skypjack commented 5 years ago

Merge on master. Time to close this issue.