skypjack / uvw

Header-only, event based, tiny and easy to use libuv wrapper in modern C++ - now available as also shared/static library!
MIT License
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uvw_net available #311

Closed mincequi closed 2 months ago

mincequi commented 3 months ago

Hi @skypjack,

i don't know if it is worth mentioning (on the uvw repo), but i am working on a small collection of network protocol implementations on top of uvw: Currentkly, i do support http, modbus and sunspec clients, as well as some discoveries, like dns-sd.

Just in case, you are interested...


skypjack commented 3 months ago

It looks interesting actually. Is it production ready/used somewhere already? Or still under heavy development? I don't see many tests to be honest. I'd refrain from using it in production without a few of them at least. Do you plan to add tests and cover the main functionalities before cutting the first stable release?

mincequi commented 3 months ago

I am currently working on a IoT device manager, primarily for photovoltaics surplus charging of electric vehicles and hot water preparation: This one is actually in production for my personal use, but damn stable already. Since i was using Qt before, but switched to uvw, i had to implement several network protocols. I decided to take them out into a separate library (uvw_net). First commit of uvw_net had been yesterday, so, yes, it is under (heavy) development but will have a production ready app right from the beginning. Tests are something i will tackle, once i prepare a stable release, however some examples on how to use this lib are working stable already:

skypjack commented 3 months ago

Gotcha. We can leave the issue open and add a link when a stable release exists then? Makes sense to you?

mincequi commented 3 months ago

Yes, this sounds reasonable 👍

mincequi commented 2 months ago

Hi @skypjack , i just created a first release of _uvwnet with some unit tests added.

skypjack commented 2 months ago

Cool. Do you want to suggest a change to the readme to mention it? I can do it on my own otherwise. I'm not even sure where to put this kind of things yet. Any ideas? 🤔

mincequi commented 2 months ago

I will set something up in a few days. Thanks for your offer 👍

mincequi commented 2 months ago

Hi @skypjack , i finally created a PR that references uvw_net. It took a little more time than expected, because i fixed some bugs and leaks. Now everything seems working stable (in production use already). Just check my PR and feel free to edit / find a goot place in your README :)