For unimplemented features like perks leave another one TODO and use 0/1 constants.
displayed damage = Round[ (base damage + smithing increase) * (1 + skill/200) * (1 + perk effects) * (1 + item effects) * (1 + potion effect) * (1 + Seeker of Might bonus) ]
* Smithing Increase should use the unrounded value based on this formula.
* Perk Effects = .2 * Barbarian/Armsman/Overdraw rank level
* Blessing of Auriel is additive with item effects while Blessing of Boethiah is additive with potion effect
Damage =
((Right Hand displayed Damage * (1 + Power Attack Bonus) * (1 + Power Attack Perk) * (1 + Dual Power Attack perk)) * Dual Power Attack Mod) + ((Left Hand displayed Damage * (1 + Power Attack Bonus) * (1 + Power Attack Perk) * (1 + Dual Power Attack perk)) * Dual Power Attack Mod)
* Power Attack Bonus = 1 if power attacking
* Power Attack Perk = 0.25 if power attacking and you have Savage Strike or Devastating Blow
* Dual Power Attack Perk = 0.5 if power attacking with two weapons and you have Dual Savagery
* Dual Power Attack Mod is 1.5 for the right (1xattack) and 3 (2xattack) for the left hand if dual power attacking (else 1)
See TODO in
Docs here,
For unimplemented features like perks leave another one TODO and use 0/1 constants.