skyrising / skyblock

Minecraft mod for empty world generation and new ways to get certain items
MIT License
46 stars 13 forks source link

Skyblock world generating terrain #13

Closed ImLuze closed 4 years ago

ImLuze commented 4 years ago

I've downloaded the Scicraft skyblock world a couple months ago when it first released. I recently upgraded to 1.15.2. When I create a new skyblock world in minecraft 1.15.2 the world generation seems to work fine. But my 1.14 world seems to generate the original terrain in newly generated chunks. Is there something I can do to get the skyblock generation back in my older world while still playing minecraft 1.15.2? (and ideally remove the generated chunks of original terrain?)

ImLuze commented 4 years ago

The world generation seems to be reset to default after migrating to 1.15.2. I've manually set it back to skyblock by edited my level.dat file and this seems to fix the issue for newly generated chunks. I'll see if I can delete the chunks who have already been generated later this week. Other than that, thank you for your work on this amazing mod.

skyrising commented 4 years ago

Yes, that's a common issue that I can't solve. If you load a skyblock world without the skyblock mod at any time it will reset to default