skyrising / skyblock

Minecraft mod for empty world generation and new ways to get certain items
MIT License
46 stars 13 forks source link

Release the Nylium! #18

Closed Sillymanblah closed 2 years ago

Sillymanblah commented 3 years ago

I see that a change was made to the code after the latest release making it possible to trade for crimson and warped nylium blocks, however this has not been released and therefore is not a part of the download. Can you add it to the latest release @DeadlyMC?

skyrising commented 3 years ago

We'll update ilmango's SkyBlock server soon, I will test everything and also make a public release then.

skyrising commented 3 years ago

You can now download the latest build from (unzip and use skyblock-3.1.0-dev.20200820.160535+HEAD.jar) but I'm not sure how stable it is, should work though