skyrising / skyblock

Minecraft mod for empty world generation and new ways to get certain items
MIT License
46 stars 13 forks source link

No, option to generate skyblock world #20

Closed 0x3444ac53 closed 3 years ago

0x3444ac53 commented 3 years ago

After installing QuickCarpet and skyblock, World Type: Skyblock doesn't appear as an option

FootrottFlats commented 3 years ago

Same. Using: skyblock-3.0.0 and quickcarpet-2.2.0 for Fabric 1.16.1 No errors, just no skyblock option. Using Modmenu and Skyblock and Quickcarpet both show up as installed

Tried it with 1.16.2 also, Skyblock-3.0.0 and Quickcarpet v2.4.0. Both show on modmenu but no option for skyblock

skyrising commented 3 years ago

Duplicate of #15, skyblock generation is now hardcoded.