skyrising / skyblock

Minecraft mod for empty world generation and new ways to get certain items
MIT License
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Unable to store "default" value. #3

Closed codesource closed 4 years ago

codesource commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am using SkyBlock module with fabric-carpet and I am not able to store default value. I get this error "Unknown rule: wanderingTraderSkyblockTrades".

It was working with old version, when skyblock commands were /carpet skyblock ...

I am using only the 2 module "fabric-carpet" and "skyblock"


codesource commented 4 years ago

It seems that only the shortcut is wrong. It should be "/skyblock setDefault wanderingTraderSkyblockTrades true" instead of /carpet ...

DeadlyMC commented 4 years ago

With the fabric-carpet mod everything should be handled with /skyblock

codesource commented 4 years ago

Totaly true, but the "[change permanently?]" shortcut use /carpet instead of /skyblock prefix

DeadlyMC commented 4 years ago

Its intended that it uses /skyblock or else it removes the point of an extension system

skyrising commented 4 years ago

I assume this is a bug in fabric-carpet suggesting the wrong command?

DeadlyMC commented 4 years ago

Oh i am really sorry i probs misunderstood, is it that it displays the /carpet setDefault setting when u press the [change permanently?]? If it does..yes then its a bug

codesource commented 4 years ago

Yes, you probably right @skyrising. Should I forward the report to fabric-carpet?

skyrising commented 4 years ago

I'd recommend that, yes