skyrising / skyblock

Minecraft mod for empty world generation and new ways to get certain items
MIT License
46 stars 13 forks source link

Spawning columns information is incorrect (so farms don't farm) #7

Closed SINBRO closed 4 years ago

SINBRO commented 4 years ago

I noticed that rates of my y0 slime farm were dramatically bad. After some research, I used MiniHud option "Spawnable columns height overlay", which showed columns that tops were like there was normal terrain. image Ater I filled some area on the top of the world with stone and then removed it, all columns identified correctly. image P.s. 1.15.2 skyblock-fc-1.15.2-1.1.1 with fabric-carpet-1.15.2-1.3.9+v200206

SINBRO commented 4 years ago

Wow, I'm really sorry. I checked some other areas of the World and it seems that the problem exists only in pre-generated area of the world which I got from Ilmango.

skyrising commented 4 years ago

Yes, this was an issue in early versions of the mod, but should be working correctly now.