skyscreamer / nevado

A JMS driver for Amazon SQS.
Apache License 2.0
51 stars 48 forks source link

Redundant, old and heavy libraries #99

Open arhimondr opened 9 years ago

arhimondr commented 9 years ago
  1. commons-httpclient 3.1 is redundant (AWS libraries now using http client 4.3+)
  2. commons-lang 2.5 is too old (yes, it support JAVA 1.2-1.5), but i think it can be replaced with commons-lang 3+, which is more frequently used in new environments.
  3. jackson 1.9 is redundant (AWS libraries now using jackson 2+)
  4. aws-java-sdk (12 MB) can be replaced with more specific 'aws-java-sdk-sns', 'aws-java-sdk-sqs', which is more light-weight