skywalka / splunk-for-nagios

Analytics for Nagios
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Enhancement - Add dashboard for nagios performance info metrics #11

Open skywalka opened 11 years ago

skywalka commented 11 years ago

eg. for Services Actively Checked:

tfhartmann commented 11 years ago

I love this idea! I was just hacking around with a search to show events that were outside of a standard deviation and i was thinking of putting them on just such a dashboard! Here's an example that shows rta (from my fping check) that shows hosts that are performing outside of a standard, I think it might be a good fit for Execution Time too!

index=nagios sourcetype="nagioshostperf" rta=* | stats avg(rta) as rta by src_host | sort - rta | eventstats avg(rta) as avg_rta stdev(rta) as std_rta | where rta>(2*avg_rta + std_rta) |convert ctime(_time) | rename rta as "Response Time in ms", avg_rta as "Average Response Time", std_rta as "Standard Response Time", src_host as "Source Host"

Here's a copy with a hostgroup lookup (I think I want to be able to split on hostgroups, as I create location based hostgroups)

index=nagios sourcetype="nagioshostperf" rta=* | stats avg(rta) as rta by src_host | lookup local=t nagios-hostgroupmembers host_name AS src_host | sort - rta | eventstats avg(rta) as avg_rta stdev(rta) as std_rta | where rta>(2*avg_rta + std_rta) |convert ctime(_time) | rename rta as "Response Time in ms", avg_rta as "Average Response Time", std_rta as "Standard Response Time", src_host as "Source Host"