Search for recipes based on a specific cuisine or ingredients. Once you like a recipe, add the ingredients to a shopping list and get directions to the nearest grocery store.
AS a Recipe Patch app user,
I WANT get more information about the recipe when I click on it
SO THAT I can get a better idea about what is involved in making the recipe before I add the ingredients to my shopping list.
for this task, here are the AC:
GIVEN the recipe cards have already been rendered,
WHEN the user clicks on a recipe card
THEN ensure that the recipe card is expanded to fit more information and that the added info is styled
part of this user story:
AS a Recipe Patch app user, I WANT get more information about the recipe when I click on it SO THAT I can get a better idea about what is involved in making the recipe before I add the ingredients to my shopping list.
for this task, here are the AC:
GIVEN the recipe cards have already been rendered, WHEN the user clicks on a recipe card THEN ensure that the recipe card is expanded to fit more information and that the added info is styled