Search for recipes based on a specific cuisine or ingredients. Once you like a recipe, add the ingredients to a shopping list and get directions to the nearest grocery store.
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Logic (JS) for the add ingredients to shopping list button on recipe card #12
AS a Recipe Patch app user,
I WANT to add ingredients from a recipe to the shopping list
SO THAT I can keep track of what ingredients I need to buy
for this task, here are the AC:
GIVEN the recipe cards have been rendered already,
WHEN the user clicks on the button "Add Ingredients to Shopping List"
THEN all of the ingredients are added to the shopping list
THEN the shopping list items are saved to local storage
part of this user story:
AS a Recipe Patch app user, I WANT to add ingredients from a recipe to the shopping list SO THAT I can keep track of what ingredients I need to buy
for this task, here are the AC:
GIVEN the recipe cards have been rendered already, WHEN the user clicks on the button "Add Ingredients to Shopping List" THEN all of the ingredients are added to the shopping list THEN the shopping list items are saved to local storage