Search for recipes based on a specific cuisine or ingredients. Once you like a recipe, add the ingredients to a shopping list and get directions to the nearest grocery store.
AS a Recipe Patch app user,
I WANT to search for recipes by an ingredient(s)
SO THAT I can make something with what I already have or I can plan my shopping list accordingly.
for this task, here are the AC:
GIVEN the wireframe has been confirmed,
WHEN the user is searching by ingredient
THEN have a search text area and search button that looks similar to EDAMAM's exampl
part of this user story:
AS a Recipe Patch app user, I WANT to search for recipes by an ingredient(s) SO THAT I can make something with what I already have or I can plan my shopping list accordingly.
for this task, here are the AC:
GIVEN the wireframe has been confirmed, WHEN the user is searching by ingredient THEN have a search text area and search button that looks similar to EDAMAM's exampl