skywalker512 / FlarumChina

Flarum 中文优化版
443 stars 88 forks source link

Semver compatible version in Foundation\Application #20

Open luceos opened 6 years ago

luceos commented 6 years ago

Hello @skywalker512,

I have not come to pester you with copyrights (at this point). People installing your version are also installing Bazaar. Your version appends a letter to the Flarum version, eg 0.1.0-beta.7C which is not semver compliant. As such any user with your version of Flarum will cause an error on the API of and will have a bad experience using Bazaar because it won't work for them.

I suggest using a semver compliant versioning scheme by using meta, eg 0.1.0-beta.7+flarumchina.c which would allow the api to be able to properly parse the flarum version and provide compatible packages.

Thank you for your consideration!

skywalker512 commented 6 years ago

Thank for your information. I will change this in next version