skywind3000 / asyncrun.vim

:rocket: Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 / NeoVim and Output to the Quickfix Window !!
MIT License
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Custom command #230

Open Integralist opened 3 years ago

Integralist commented 3 years ago

👋🏻 I was looking for a way to make running the same command quicker.

So I wanted an alias like:

:Ara <any list of commands>

e.g. translate...

:Ara sleep 10 && ls -la


:AsyncRun -mode=term -pos=floaterm_reuse -position=bottomright -width=0.4 sleep 10 && ls -la

I found but it didn't seem quite right.

I tried something custom like:

fun! AsyncRunAlias(cmd)
  call asyncrun.AsyncRun(a:cmd, '-mode=term -pos=floaterm_reuse -position=bottomright -width=0.4')
command! -nargs=* Ara call AsyncRunAlias(<q-args>)

But this errors.

Any help would be greatly appreciated ❤️