skywind3000 / asyncrun.vim

:rocket: Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 / NeoVim and Output to the Quickfix Window !!
MIT License
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ZSH shell #6

Open regedarek opened 7 years ago

regedarek commented 7 years ago

Hi, Is this plugin able to run command in my zsh shell with aliases I have in zshrc?

skywind3000 commented 7 years ago

That's cool, I just took this idea and updated a new version which use the vim native &shell and &shellcmdflag config to execute commands.

You can have the latest version to execute your zsh commands now.

regedarek commented 7 years ago

Nice. Maybe i am doing something wrong I have zsh now but i can't use my aliases from .zshrc.

skywind3000 commented 7 years ago

check the shellcmdflag, commands are executed like these:


maybe you can try to change shellcmdflag from "-c" to "-ci":

:set shellcmdflag=-ci
chh-wang commented 4 years ago

I use win10, the below is the cofiguration in _vimrc to use cygwin shell:

" Makes bash open in the working directory
" Default path for Cygwin 64-bit, change accordingly
set shell=D:\pfs\cygwin\bin\bash.exe\ --login
" Without --login, Cygwin won't mount some directories such as /usr/bin/
set shellcmdflag=--login\ -c
" Default value is (, but bash needs "
set shellxquote=\"
" Paths will use / instead of \
set shellslash

I run:

:AsyncRun ls

But I get the error below:

|| [ls]
|| /usr/bin/bash: C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Tempasyncrun.cmd: No such file or directory
|| [Finished in 0 seconds with code 127]

What cause the issue?

skywind3000 commented 4 years ago

别把 shell/shellcmdflag 设置成 cygwin,坑太多了,windows 下的 vim 不是给你这样用的,你这样设置不当 asyncrun 要出错,其他很多用 shell 工具的地方都要出错。

你想再 windows 下用很多 unix 工具,安装个 busybox 就行了。你实在想用 asyncrun 跑 cygwin 命令,可以:

:AsyncRun D:\pfs\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login -c "ls -la"

嫌弃命令长,你可以自己定一个短点的,比如叫做 AsyncCygwin

skywind3000 commented 4 years ago

另外,你 windows 10 的话,为什么不用 wsl 呢?AsyncRun 支持 wsl 命令:

:AsyncRun -program=wsl ls -la
chh-wang commented 4 years ago


skywind3000 commented 4 years ago

那你设置 &shell 成 cygwin 这个操作麻烦了,导致内外路径都对不起来。

swtch1 commented 2 years ago

I "solved" this for myself by creating a separate zshrc file. I run AsyncRun a lot. Your mileage may vary.