skywind3000 / z.lua

:zap: A new cd command that helps you navigate faster by learning your habits.
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Add integrate to nnn #160

Open shuizhongyueming opened 2 years ago

shuizhongyueming commented 2 years ago

I have mad a pull request to add support of z.lua in nnn's plugin autojump:

I think is good to add the usage in z.lua's wiki, but I have no edit permisson, below is the content I want to add in FAQ blow the topic of integrate to ranger:

## How to integrate z.lua to [nnn]( ?

The z.lua was integrated into the nnn's plugin autojump.

All you need to do is:

export NNN_ZLUA="path to your z.lua script"

so that, the plugin can know where to get the z.lua script to excute.

After that, you can enable plugin autojump in `$NNN_PLUG`.

And if `fzf` is installed, the plugin will use it for path selection which is copy from the `zii` function below this document.